Taking Control of Your Destiny: Overcoming External Obstacles in Life

Neurodivergent ai
3 min readMay 3, 2022

Our lives are intricately connected and we affect each other more than we realise. In developed countries we often speak about freedom and claim to be able to express ourselves aloud, state our opinions, and make decisions for ourselves… but is this actually true? Society forms strong opinions about various topics and anybody who disagrees is some kind of an outcast. The lack of understanding, acceptance and respect is striking.

We are all free… or are we? (Photo: Pixabay)

External factors affect us all in some way or another. A person living in a country that is experiencing war or famine may have to flee their home and live as a refugee elsewhere. I am feeling privileged and at the same time so sad about those whose lives are shattered, particularly the children who are getting permanent marks. Other external life factors can be the weather and natural disasters. However, there are other seemingly less tragic causes, such as toxic relationships, that can leave equally deep scars for life.

External factors are beyond our control, yet they disrupt our lives dramatically. (Photo: Pixabay)

People who are influenced by external factors tend not to have much control over their own lives. They often feel like victims of circumstance rather than being able to make choices for…



Neurodivergent ai

Invisible disability, autism, ADHD, migraine, epilepsy, mental health, digital art. Are you a Medium member? https://medium.com/@neurodivergent_ai/membership