The Journey to Recovery from a Mental Breakdown: Back to Step One

Re-sitting an exam on life lessons

Neurodivergent ai


Everything in life is an exam. (Photo: Pixabay)

In the past three weeks, I have been recovering well from the mental breakdown I experienced in April. I thought that I had left that world behind and headed on the way to a better, more balanced life. Well, recovery is not a stroll in the park. An event triggered another small collapse, meaning that I am again stuck (mentally and partly physically) and missing out events and on life as a whole.

The human brain sometimes cannot handle expectations and high demands. Old thoughts and fears start creeping in — a bit like flashbacks. The fact is that mental health problems do not go away easily, and it takes time to build up a new network of coping mechanisms. A couple of weeks is by far not enough to resolve issues that have built up over the course of many years.

As I said not long ago,

Nobody would try running with a broken leg. Why do we do it when our mental health needs treatment?



Neurodivergent ai

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