Robots are Coming! But No Need to Panic: You Control Them

3 min readNov 21, 2017


Sci-fi films have presented an arguably skewed image of robots and Artificial Intelligence. In real life, robotics are advancing in leaps and bounds to help with serious medical issues in the form of prosthetic limbs that can be controlled by your mind.

Yes, that’s right: scientists have come to the point of making it possible for humans to control robotic arms and legs using only the mind, as if the prosthetic were a natural extension of the body. In other words, the prosthetic limb uses a robot which is so in sync with the mind that it is controlled entirely by your thoughts.

The significance of this progression is enormous: it now means that patients can increasingly use their healthy brains to regain control over a damaged body.

This is a life-changing development for the thousands of people who suffer from missing limbs or suffering from partial paralysis, and could be the beginning of a new lease of life for amputees.

How Do Neuro-Controlled Prosthetic Limbs Work?

Neuro-controlled prosthetics are the result of years of research on the human mind and robotics.

This revolutionary technology works by harnessing the power of neurons in the brain which communicate using electric signaling. By making small electrode implants in the brain, it is possible to mimic the communication that ordinarily occurs between cells between the mind and the prosthetic.

It may feel that movement is a conscious decision, but neuroscientists and psychologists agree that movement begins in the unconscious; as a pure electrical impulse.

With amputees, the communication signals between the mind and the limb are damaged irreparably. With neuro-controlled prosthetic limbs, the signal is replicated. The brain can learn to make new connections and work with the new limb as though it were part of the original body.

Just as we customize our daily personal technology — our phones, laptops, cars — with our own preferences; over time neuro-controlled limbs can also be seamlessly integrated into the user’s life.

The groundbreaking technology has already proved successful for a number of patients across the globe.

Further Neuro-Control Developments

Mind-controlled prosthetics are a relatively young development and research is ongoing; at this rate, the outlook for improving the quality of life for amputees is excellent.

Neurogress is a pioneering company that have neuro-controlled prosthetics with one big difference: they have eliminated the need for implanting sensors altogether.

Their state-of-the-art technology is steadily improving the brain’s ability to communicate with the limb purely through electronic signals transmitted from its cortex. This is teamed up with sophisticated prosthetic limbs that are 3D-printed and programmed to respond with increased dexterity.

The limb is still controlled by the mind, but the robotics have been fine-tuned to make a more seamless experience for the user. Not only this, but without the need for electrode implants in the brain, this exciting new form of prosthetics completely eliminates the need for invasive surgery, reducing costs significantly.

What is the Future for Neuro-Controlled Prosthetics?

Neurogress is currently streamlining this exciting new technology to increase its use as standard treatment for amputees and other physical disabilities.

Neurogress is evidence of the brilliance of robotic science, and testament to the sheer power of the human mind. Essentially, this technology is mind control brought to life, putting robotics firmly in its place, relying less on algorithm and more on human thought to control what the “robots” do.

How do you feel about mind-controlled prosthetics? A genius step towards improving quality of life for potentially millions; or a move towards unchartered Robocop territory? Let us know in the comments section below.

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