The Future of Neuro-Control: From Gaming to Professional Application

3 min readNov 7, 2017


A race is on in the gaming industry to develop games that can be controlled with the mind. Game developers are slowly but surely working with the exciting new field of neurogaming, pushing the way forward into the future of gaming.

The gaming industry is well known for using technology in ways the rest of the world is yet to even imagine. We’re already seeing game developers changing how we view this exciting field of technological advancements.

One of the games using the power of the human mind is a game developed by one popular game developer, a company actually founded and funded by a neuroscientist and electrical engineer. To play, gamers use a headset with virtual reality goggles and sensors that can read their brainwaves, translating them into actual movement in the game.

Wearing the headset transports the gamer into a tiny room with white walls. The game’s objective is to get out of the room — but the player can’t use their hands. They’re only allowed to use their thoughts. In fact, the game lacks any controls that require the use of hands; there is no joystick or gamepad.

NeuroGaming Is Still in Its Infancy

To get out of the room, the player looks at a ball on the floor and their brain sends a command to pick it up. Another neuro-command sends the ball flying towards a mirror, breaking it to reveal numbers scribbled on the wall. The player then mentally enters the numbers on a keypad and the door opens.

The simplicity of this game shows just how new the idea is at the moment. Sure, it can be done; there is even a prototype currently in testing.

But, even the most advanced game developers working with neurotechnology agree that most of these games are still years from the market. Skeptics say that neurocommand based games will meet with controversy and boredom when they do hit the market. But they’re missing the groundbreaking idea behind these innovations. Neurotechnology is beginning to gain a foothold — not just in gaming but other industries as well.

The Future of Neurotechnology

Even Elon Musk has taken a keen interest in neurotechnology enough to promote the idea through his new company. We’re already seeing that the future of technology is neuro-technology. Neuro-controlled technology is getting us to a place where human limitations will no longer prevent development but will be the main drive for the enhancement of humanity.

A good example is Neurogress, a company that is bringing neuro-technology into the real world through the use of AI and mechatronics. Neurogress works to take virtual reality to the next level.

Imagine if you could fully immerse yourself in a VR world. Not just see a different universe through the lenses of a VR device, but move around freely just as you would in your backyard. Potentially, you could do even more than that!

Neurogress wants to bring incredible ideas like this into the real world. With Neurogress technology, one day we might be able to move not just game objects in a VR world, but robots and devices all around us.

Either way, one thing’s certain — it won’t be long before we’re abandoning our X-Box and Wiis, and the joystick will be an ancient relic. The neurotechnology revolution is sweeping through game development, and we couldn’t be more excited about it!

What applications can you see for neurotechnology, either in the gaming world or the professional? How soon do you think that these wearables will be as commonplace as the mobile phone?

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