What is Normal Behavior?

1 min readAug 12, 2023

Have you noticed how your day-to-day gestures have evolved over time? For example, we greet our friends by saying ‘Hey, dude!’, join our hands to greet an elderly and say ‘Namaste, or a firm handshake accompanied by a formal ‘Good Morning!’ in a business meeting. These norms are dictated by the culture we are exposed to. Imagine deviating from the norm, and you will be labeled ‘rude’.

In every moment, our society expects us to behave in a certain way, and when we don’t, judgments are passed — some good, some bad.

Sometimes they affect us. These events play in our mind and we wish we could have done things differently. We keep thinking about various scenarios and what would have been an outcome in every case. It messes up our heads. There is a clash of feedback, expectations, dreams, and desires. Some of us are able to shut these voices in our heads and move on with our ‘normal’ lives. But, it is not possible for everyone at all times. How we deal with these thoughts makes all the difference.

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