About Neuromachine technology stack

3 min readAug 30, 2020


  1. Graphical User Interface

The GUI is as simple as it gets.

Trader panel + news agrigator

To accomplish the fastest and the most responsive function of our GUI, our software engineers decided to make use of the best technologies available nowadays.

Main of these technologies are listed below.

React Router

2. Back-end development is inevitable.

Every exchange has a limited number of request with API. It was decided not to restrict ourselves to use of only one exchange. Thus, we needed a mechanism that would be able to connect to various APIs and to work with several exchanges in real time. For that reason we created the EXIST (EXchange Immediate STabilization) mechanism and this is what it is capable of:

  • Collecting statistics every second
  • Forming of candles for 60 minutes ( 1 hour), 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes. We went further and expanded the functionality by forming 240 minutes or longer candles out of 60 minutes candle data.
  • “Pushing” of candles data from connected exchanges into the graph
  • User’s personal account: the ability to connect a bunch of accounts from exchanges using API keys to a single user platform account

Technologies used in back-end development are listed below.


Thank you for following, stay tuned.




NRM is the world’s first decentralized expert and analytical platform for managing your crypto assets and exchanging information about the world of cryptocurren