Inequality is inefficient

Our species cannot outrun karma

Prior Buckley
2 min readMar 14, 2020
Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

When I think about inequality and what that really means, I think about how very fortunate I have been in my career and how also very much of my good fortune dissolved into student loan repayments, healthcare costs, and dealing with abusive landlords.

We need to work together to respond to Coronavirus. We cannot afford to dissolve into partisan class wars and unhelpful groupthink.

But we also need to raise our eyebrows and introspect on the possibilities we never even considered, and the costs of having not done so.

Inequality is inefficient. It’s bad for the future. It’s bad for us right now. We need to raise our eyebrows and introspect on the possibilities we never even considered, and the costs of having not done so.

The messes we are all were preventable. It’s important we ask why they were not prevented.

We must learn from this and prevent future messes, which means that we will often need to forgive human errors in the interests of getting better information. Blameless postmortems work when you commit to learning and getting things right.

