It’s the systems, stupid

We have to build better than this

Prior Buckley
1 min readMar 18, 2020
Photo by Carlos "Grury" Santos on Unsplash

Inequality is the problem.

Economic systems based on building a select few on the basis of the many that they exploit are the problem.

Factory systems of food, people, and healthcare that all follow short term optimizations and ignore long term costs and risks are the problem.

Climate change and hot potato’ing to the future anything that requires a change in our behavior is the problem.

Intellectual laziness and inattentiveness are the problem.

Most of all, how deeply people think about the causes of where we are, and their ability to connect those thoughts with others and coordinate unprecedented amounts of change to systems that badly need a redesign, is the problem.

It is literally the problem of our generation.

Coronavirus will not be the last virus. Sustainability is too important. We have to build better than this.

