Repair the broken bits

Another crisis to kneecap a generation of young workers

Prior Buckley
4 min readMay 2, 2020
Photo by Justus Menke on Unsplash

Déjà Voodoo

A mere 12 years after the 2008 financial crisis, we’re back once again with another crisis that will kneecap an entire generation of young workers.

These young people did nothing wrong themselves, but were unfortunate enough to have been a certain age at a particular time when the old people in power were too busy covering up their misdeeds with chaos, stacking the courts in their favor, & profiting from distractions.

This time around, the crisis will be worse. Much worse.

Even as we attempt to respond to our worsening crisis, we must prepare for the next viral outbreak, or else it won’t be long before we have another pandemic on our hands.

Despite wishful thinking to the contrary, this current epidemic will be felt for a long time. This is particularly true when you consider the impact that pandemics have on mental health & substance abuse; the staggering levels of risky corporate debt (the ocean of corporate debt is currently valued at 74 trillion US dollars); and the fact that millennials are facing their second once-in-a-lifetime downturn precisely as they had started to recover from the last crisis.

