Neutrino hits a major milestone: 5 million USD locked!

Neutrino Protocol
Published in
2 min readMar 6, 2020

Just four months after the public beta launch of the Neutrino Protocol, the stablecoin project reached a key milestone: $5 million worth of WAVES has been deposited to the smart contract to generate USDN.

TVL (Total Value Locked) is arguably the most important metric that reflects the adoption rate of a DeFi application. It indicates the total value of the cryptocurrency committed to the smart contract that powers the service. In the case of the Neutrino dollar, TVL represents the collateral and the stake that backs USDN and generates returns. You can calculate TVL for Neutrino by taking the current balance held in the Neutrino smart contract and multiplying it by the market price of WAVES. The total amount of USDN issued against the WAVES collateral can be found here.

Neutrino Stats (circa March 6, 2020)

3,455,515 USDN or 64% of the total issued Neutrinos are locked for staking.

380,275 USDN are locked to be swapped soon.

53,727 Neutrino system base tokens (NSBTs) are issued for purchase, and 860,305 NSBTs are set for liquidation.

There are a total of 2,625 USDN holders, 623 of whom hold at least 1 USDN.

USDNs can be issued or redeemed back to WAVES using the Neutrino portal, or traded on several exchanges. In addition, you can stake Neutrino Dollars using the Neutrino dApp interface or Waves.Exchange.



Neutrino Protocol

A multi-assetization protocol acting as an interchain toolkit for frictionless DeFi. Powered by Waves.