Neutron Coin (NTRN) Past, Present & Future.

Neutron Coin
6 min readAug 20, 2020


Greetings Everyone

I realized I had been overlooking Medium in regards to taking advantage of the platform to build a nice blog discussing all that is happening in the Neutron Community. I had intended on starting at the beginning of the story and just really going into great detail about our history and all we have been through, and all that we are working on with our community and friends.

I think for this inaugural post I'm going to go over what has been happening recently, and then from here, I will start building on the history and future.

There has been so much done that I'm not sure where to start, I think I will try and stick to the main points and if anyone is really curious for the

seriously technical details they can go on over to our Github repository and look over the recent release notes to see the various updates and the progress thereof.

Here is the link to our releases:

There if you look over the release notes from Version 4 and up you can see the movement from release to release.

Id love to put it all here but it would be a massive post. I'll try to summarize as best I can here.

We have moved to proof of stake version 2, this changes the way blocks are created doing away with timestamps as dependence and closing potential doors for disruption.

We have updated the txleveldb and it is now the latest version, as a result, building dependencies have changed for those who like to compile their own wallets.

*The process now requires some new dependencies please see Github for details on the needed dependencies. Older Linux versions will have trouble using appimages due to the lack of FUSE on ubuntu 16 for instance, or wsl2. Newer versions of Linux should have no trouble as fuse is included in newer distros. Again for more specific detail please review our Github, or come over to discord and ask us. It should be noted that we have really upgraded many things and are well ahead of even Bitcoin, serious developers will know this when they see it. Many will do the same. We are pleased to be leading the pack even if no one realizes it, (shrugs).

For someone who wants to build their own wallet the fun way, we have our very own Build System. With it, you can build any flavor of wallet you want and not only releases, but direct from SRC, so if you want a wallet with the latest commits, but there isn't a release yet, you can build it with about 4 mouse clicks (Or Keystrokes) using the build system.

The Build system is located here:
it is very simple to use, we have a walk-through on our Discord server if you need help join us on discord, and view the build system guide.

We have removed the 1 masternode per IP address restriction.
A person can now run as many masternodes on one IP as they have the processing power to run.
In the near future, we are working to simplify this process to make it even easier, instead of running multiple wallets
you will be able to run up to 16 masternodes on one wallet. this will be controllable by spork and we will increase or decrease as needed.
For right now in order to run multiple nodes on one wallet, you still must run multiple wallet instances, this is going to change.
for anything regarding the multi-wallet setup, come see our support channel in once again, Discord.

Now, there is actually even more, and frankly, it's so much I can't even recount it all, it would be much easier for an interested party to look for themselves

Each release is a steady progression, fixing many bugs along the way, and sussing out new bugs as they are discovered.
Our family of Developers, Adam Waldenberg (Swipp/NTRN), Thomas Posey (NTRN), Eron Villarreal (NTRN)
have really become just that, a digital family of sorts, at least that's how I think of them.
They have all really been phenomenal, and I cant tell you how awesome it is to see things work and with a communal spirit.

Over the past year, I have been making progress report style videos, I discuss long term goals and the direction we are heading with our friends.
There is some discussion of wallet releases and what they fix (or attempt to fix) and there is the discussion of our future plans.

Those videos are here if you would like to check them out, I apologize but some of them are long as I had a lot I wanted to talk about.[/i]]
give us a like or subscribe, we would appreciate it.

So, with having moved to Proof of Stake Version 2, and all the updating of core abilities, Neutron is functioning better than it ever has before, and it will only get better.

With that being said we have been fortunate to make good friends and as a result, we have an alliance of sorts with both Swipp and Unigrid.

Both are amazing projects, with awesome developers that truly deserve way more attention than they receive.

We are all rallying to a move into a new wallet format that is built with electronjs.

The functionality that this will give us will be amazing, as we will be able to modify web content delivered directly to the wallets, all wallets.
We will be able to host anything web-based that you can imagine and change it by the minute if we wanted.
For me personally, I envision several things, and when you consider the scope of the unigrid project and what it will do, possibilities become even greater.
I have also made it no secret that I intend to start a business exchanging NTRN and other cryptos of our choice, for Fiat credited to a debit card.
This means a person could directly sell their daily stakes for USD, and spend that money any way they need, anywhere they want with a VISA/MC.
Yes, I am well aware of the legal needs and implications. I am also aware of the technical aspect to develop the platform and secure an account managing card service.
This would be available from the NTRN electronjs wallet directly. But that is not all that would be able to be done, and the ideas and possibilities will only grow from there.
To mention a little more, Auto-update, Auto-strap, of course, rewards monitoring, (which is already in the current wallet), anyhow, you get it by now, and I apologize for this lengthy post. So yeah, there is actually I’m sure a ton of things I’m leaving out that should be mentioned. I will keep everyone posted, and I promise to do a better job of keeping up with things here on Bitcointalk.

Ill leave ya with a few Photos I snipped from a video that is showcasing a RAW Neutron electronjs wallet running, we call it “ATOM” that may change, but for now.

I will leave the video link below. *Notice the wallet running 5 masternodes from one instance, we want to make deployment Apple easy.
and the second example. live market tickers at the top, just a simple and small example of live ability.
A Special Thanks to Evan (Dekm0101) from Unigrid for the groundwork he is doing on the electronjs wallet platform itself

whole video here:

Check out Unigrid: Evan/Adam

Check out Swipp: Adam

Check out Harcomia:


PAWS: Good people!

Check out Moneybyte: Friends and general community builders, these guys are great.

Check Out Altmarkets: Our preferred exchange partner. These guys are cool. They deserve more attention.

Graviex: Can Be Traded

TxBit: Neutron Can be Traded Neutron is available for “Instant Buy” Neutron is available for free MN hosting with membership.

And lastly, come visit us in discord, if its quiet in the main lobby just say hi, I came from Bitcointalk, we even have Pandabot occasionally raining coins
that you can keep right inside of discord which can be used as a mobile wallet itself


