Neven C.
1 min readMay 4, 2018


Hey Imesh, great overview of PCF installation on AWS. Things have gotten a bit better for “resource-conscious” developers. There is a “Small Footprint PAS” version instead of standard full HA enterprise (production grade) runtime.

Check out details here:

Essentially, few of these jobs (VMs) get collocated on the same VM. Effectively, we cut down to only 4–5 VMs for Pivotal Application Service / PAS (see quoted article above for details) — and add OpsMan and Bosh Director VMs for a total of 6–7 VMs.

Things are even simpler on Azure — there is a button push and recreates entire environment for you, including Azure Service Broker for accessing native Azure services (blobstore, sqlserver, documentdb, etc…)

See more details for Azure Marketplace PCF offering here:

How did you like the developer experience of pushing apps, scaling apps, resiliency of the apps, logging, service marketplace, etc…





Neven C.

software architect. tech geek. traveler. visionary. father of three.