Weight loss with Spirulina

New Age Nutrition
5 min readOct 2, 2016


Weight loss with Spirulina

First thing you should know that there is no simple way to lose weight. Indeed, you should not expect that you can just eat something, and then result is weight loss. If it was as easy as buying pills, there would be no obesity. Think of it, why no pharmacies sell pill for weight loss? Is Weight loss with Spirulina real or a myth?

All you need is to eat less and do the cardio-vascular exercises, and that’s the only way it works. We are not going to explain why exercising is a must but we will surely explain how weight loss with Spirulina is possible.

The effect of spirulina

Now what is the effect of spirulina? Spirulina actually reduces the appetite and elevates your energy level. However this relationship is still indirect, because the reduced appetite does not necessary mean reduced consumption of food. Nor does it mean,that elevated energy level necessarily leads you to actually start doing more exercises.

Many people just like to eat food because it tastes good, not because they’re hungry. So even a reduced appetite will not have an effect on them. Some people would even vomit as they eat and eat, but that would not stop them from eating more. Or just as another example, lets suppose you are a factory worker, and you’re being provided with a regular size meal. If you have a reduced appetite would you actually start throwing away a portion of that meal?

Unless you are in control of your eating habits, the weight loss would be almost impossible, no matter how costly your gadgets and supplements are. However, if you are serious and ready to change things, the spirulina can help and actually contribute to weight loss.

Will Spirulina consumption work?

Nowadays, it’s not so easy to keep up the right diet — the nutritional value of consumed food is often imbalanced, and as a result our body keeps craving for more. This is especially true for the fast foods as they provide almost nothing but fat and preservatives — and what a nice combination of misery it is!

Now if we take Spirulina, the body can get the additional nutrients it requires, for not only the spirulina is rich in vitamins and essential pigments, but has also a very high protein content. Protein is capable to satisfy hunger better than either carbs of fat. So a protein diet also appears effective for weight management. However, unlike the hard tissues of any other protein, the simple cells of Spirulina can dissolve in water. And thereby all its protein can be easily digested just within several minutes. This is how the consumption of spirulina immediately results in a reduced appetite or food craving and can help you to manage your weight.

Keep in mind that the best way of consumption would be on empty stomach, about 15–30 minutes before the lunch. If you take it right before the lunch, you will hardly notice any appetite reduction. Taking it post lunch will not render any great effects on weight loss.

Also Spriulina elevates your energy levels, it may bring you an additional boost during your cardio workouts. And this extra punch of workout can help you to burn fat more effectively. And in the end it brags to have a great advantage over coffee, tea and other tonics, because it does not cause the side effect inherent to them. Indeed unlike other tonics, that give only temporary boost, and then eventually make you feel weak, the energizing effect of spirulina is consistent and yet, has no known drawbacks.

More healthy reasons of Weight loss with Spirulina

The above mentioned reasons are not the only ones that you should start taking “Prodiet” Spirulina. Our research also led us to believe that Spirulina being super dense in nutrient concentration can not only help with weight loss but also increase immunity and boost your energy.

High Nutrient Content

Often, when one feels hungry, body is causing the effect as it is looking to fill its own need for nutrients. When you take poor-quality foods, your brain will trigger your appetite in an effort to find what it needs. Taking Spirulina will increase the concentration of nutrients in your body and may reduce hunger and cravings in the process.

Low in Calories

Spirulina supplies only 3.5 calories for each gram of protein according to NaturalWays.com. This is one of the least calories you can gain for any gram of protein, even marginally better than famous protein powders like whey. A standard 500 mg tablet of Spirulina only has less than two calories. Regular consumption of spirulina will provide you with a good portion of your daily nutritional needs, without any caloric consequences.

Reduces Blood Sugar levels

A diet high in processed foods and sugary snacks causes blood sugar levels to rise quickly. The pancreas releases the hormone insulin which helps cells absorb the glucose and store the excess as fat. If your blood glucose levels are elevated, you cannot lose weight. Balancing your blood sugar levels is essential for healthy weight loss.

Spirulina is a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids, and GLA. GLA helps regulate your blood sugar and control insulin levels, which will in turn minimize carbohydrate binging and help you lose weight. A study published in Journal of Medicinal Food found that regular supplementation of Spirulina (2g a day for 2 months) reduced blood glucose levels even in Type 2 diabetics.

Spirulina Boosts Energy

Spirulina is a great supplement for workouts. It contains vitamins b1, b2, b3 and b5 which are essential for transforming food into energy. It also contains high levels of B6, which helps insulin to work effectively.

A study published in European Journal of Applied physiology found that supplementing Spirulina (2.5g three times per day for 3 weeks) in healthy individual increased endurance performance. More energy, more exercise, more weight loss.

Our Conclusion

So is weight loss with Spirulina a myth? Well just as anything else that promotes a fast weight loss is probably a myth, because the accumulation and burning of fat simply doesn’t work that way. However, if you are really concerned about your weight, do take a step further to actually care about your diet. Start doing cardiovascular exercises — then Prodiet Spirulina will definitely help. Why don’t you go ahead, buy our Supplement (at reduced prices) and come back after two months to tell success stories.

