Ira SinghMeditation is not an activity of the mind“Your goal is not to battle with the mind, but to witness the mind.”– Swami MuktanandaApr 20, 2020Apr 20, 2020
Ira SinghinThe NarrativeFocus on the things that COUNTWhat is that one trait that separates the wheat from the chaff? The one single factor that has given success to many great people.Feb 14, 20203Feb 14, 20203
Ira SinghinThe NarrativeDon’t take your own field of vision for the real view of the worldEvery person takes the limits of their own field of vision for the limits of the world- Arthur SchopenhauerFeb 11, 2020Feb 11, 2020
Ira SinghinThe NarrativeKaizen: Be a Better You Each DayWhen I first came across the term Kaizen, I was in school (don’t remember which grade I was in) but remember this term very well. At that…Dec 27, 2019Dec 27, 2019
Ira SinghinThe NarrativeQuestion your way out!!Lost would be an understatement!!Dec 11, 2019Dec 11, 2019
Ira SinghinThe NarrativeDemotivation is not dangerous- Use it to achieve successI was motivated to become a writer only because I was demotivated with my career as a talent acquisition professional.Dec 7, 20194Dec 7, 20194
Ira SinghThe Voice in your head is not YouOh crap! I shouldn’t have said this in front of my team. They must be thinking I’m stupid. Maybe the next time I meet them, I’ll explain…Dec 3, 20191Dec 3, 20191
Ira SinghBetter Prepared than Sorry: Impermanence of Life“Only a moment you stayed, but what an imprint your footprints have left in our hearts.” — Dorothy FergusonDec 2, 2019Dec 2, 2019
Ira SinghAre you successful in your own eyes?I was working as a recruiter in some of the stellar companies like Hewlett-Packard, McAfee, eBay PayPal when I realized that I’ve had…Nov 19, 2019Nov 19, 2019
Ira SinghAwaken to a mind full of presence“Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves — slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the…Sep 7, 2019Sep 7, 2019