Human Programming

Kelly Arce
15 min readSep 3, 2021


Last year I had a breakthrough that kickstarted my spiritual awakening. I had been interested in space for a long time, and I had been trying hard to understand the concept of spacetime. Once I finally saw the Youtube video that made it click in my brain, it kind of sent me into an existential crisis. If you haven’t Googled “spiritual awakening” yet, I recommend it so you can get a full picture. I didn’t Google what I was experiencing until I was in like Step 3 or 4 already in the process.

So imagine how full my heart felt as I read an exact description of what I was experiencing. It was like taking a blindfold off, but that doesn’t even begin to explain the emotions associated with that. Depression and cynicism realizing how trivial human life is. But also the warmness and relief of realizing this is a real sensation and it’s not just quarter-life depression (or maybe a bit of both?) It certainly amplified my feelings of isolation at the time. At that point, I REALLY felt like nobody understood me. I had this knowledge and understanding that the people around me didn’t seem to have. But I started to talk to others in my life who seemed to get it and could relate to this experience on some level, no one had experienced or thought about the exact same things that I had, but it was close enough to show me I could confide in them and we could share theories with each other. And it has started to feel like a real energy, something you can feel when you try hard enough to notice it. It’s obvious when you start trying to connect with someone who isn’t ready for society to connect on an energetic level. Mostly I’m realizing, based on the things I’m learning about metaphysics and connected energy, that we’re all on different levels in terms of consciousness and our eternal energy journeys, and I think I’ve figured out different ways to discern the level of consciousness that the person I’m talking to is working with. I totally accept the fact that I might be insane. You are welcome to stop reading this at any time if I sound ridiculous, or maybe keep reading to see if I sound more relatable. Or maybe that’s a bad idea because my words will have a brainwashing effect and you’ll start to believe them. IDK, read at your own risk.

I think this would be a good time to clarify what I mean by energy. Not souls or spirits or Caspers. The actual stuff we talk about in science. Like energy, atoms, etc. I have only taken up through the required science classes in college, so my terminology might sound dumb at times. But what I know about energy as far as we’ve proven is that it is neither created nor destroyed. So the energy that runs through us has always existed and will continue to exist after we die. With that logic, it has to be true that some part of us continues to exist after we die, and not just others’ memories of us or our rotting flesh. Our consciousness or some portion of it might have something to do with that because there is more to us than just an operating human brain.

I don’t know how others interpret these ideas, but for me, they tend to bring me back to the idea that my body is just a vessel. When I’m feeling most connected to my energy (whatever it is), I feel like my body isn’t even me. Like, it is, but the essence and source of me is something else. Our brains have different sections in them to deal with the things we encounter throughout our linear lifespans. We have the conscious part that handles the day-to-day, the things right in front of us. Then there’s the unconscious, things we can’t remember but have experienced throughout our lives and live in our brains. Those memories impact your conscious actions but you don’t notice. Generally primitive. And the subconscious, which is the part right below the surface, the stuff in your dreams and the things your brain wants to bring to your conscious mind. Ultimately the thing that brings them together and transcends through them is awareness. We can be aware of our consciousness and be sentient beings, we can be aware of the things occurring in the other sections of our minds and aware of the fact that they can exist simultaneously/harmoniously with each other.

So there’s this dude named Lee Harris who is known to be a Spiritual Energy Channeler. I found an interview of him on this streaming network called Gaia, which is basically like a huge spiritual organization focused on lifestyle choices & ideas that enrich the mind & body. I approach the content on Gaia cautiously because they have a tendency to intertwine speculation with fact (though is anything really fact? My opinion is no.) But I like the shows they have that pertain to the categories I believe in, like metaphysics and psychology, theories about what happens after we die, connections between our energy as humans and the energy that exists in the atmosphere, etc.

But anyway, so yeah, Lee Harris. He was interviewed by a lady named Regina Meredith on her show Open Minds, and the episode was called Achieving Golden Consciousness. It starts out with Regina telling us that they were planning to spend a few minutes introducing Lee and asking him to share his background, but apparently “the Zs” were approaching quickly so he couldn’t stick around long. I never learned exactly what the Zs were, normally I would have Googled it, but I felt resolved enough understanding through context that they were basically the “voices” he’s channeling from a higher frequency of energy. My understanding is that they are not actual voices because they aren’t humans and don’t communicate like we do, so they were using Lee to communicate with us in a way we understand. I was obviously super skeptical, but I’m so flexible on my thoughts about what exists out there, so my thoughts always default to why can’t it be possible? As long as it’s interesting I’ll keep watching.

The next 4 minutes were enough for me to begin entering a higher level of consciousness. This man was describing literally EVERYTHING I had theorized but in a way that actually backed it with scientific fact and reason. So my plan is to recap it for you and diverge as I have opinions on it.

I unintentionally lumped together all the things I’m unsure about, but I find them interesting:

He says that higher consciousness is now higher than before and that 2017–2025 or so is the time of Golden Consciousness, the time when humans will go deeper and further out than they have for a very long time. He made reference to the Dark Ages quite a bit, and Regina went on to talk about how the Bible is said to be like 15,000+ years old but has only been written about or discussed for like 1,000+ years…? I tried to research that info but I couldn’t find anything solid to work with. I’m going to keep researching this though.

Okay, so now the stuff that sounds logical to me. He says that we all think what we’re doing in consciousness is designed to help humanity and the universe when really it’s design to help CONSCIOUSNESS. Consciousness exists far beyond the current average human understanding of it. We’re all landed in these bodies (“vessels”) and come from a source of consciousness.

^^ That already was enough to send me on a spiritual rollercoaster. About 2 minutes into the interview.

In terms of the stuff that continues to exist after our bodies die, he says that we “come back” each time and bring light to compressed areas, areas with low density. The part that bugs me about reincarnation from my previous understanding of it was that it doesn’t make sense with the whole energy theory. It uses the idea of a “soul”, rather than true energy. I don’t think energy travels in big solid lumps like that from organism to organism. But then he goes on to clarify that we actually don’t reincarnate like that, and the people that do are usually really obvious (like the kid who came back as King Tut or whatever.) He said that our energy comes from a mixture of sources, and if you ever feel unusually attached to someone, it may not mean that you were part of them in a past life, but maybe a “spirit guide” to them or you had a personal connection to them somehow. “Your consciousness is tapping into the energy of that lifetime in order to align with something that, for you, is soul family.” He actually talked about that much later in the interview, but I thought it fit nicely here.

So then he tells us that there are so many invitations on earth to “drop back into your density,”, and the trick is to see the 2 illuminated doors in a room of 12 different doors. The other 10 doors will seem tempting at times, but the key is to bring light and spread it across the grid.

And THEN he’s just like, “Pleasure to be here by the way!” while I’m just over here having an existential mindfuck, nbd. And he made sure to not just thank humanity and the host, but also “those of you in the Galactic conversation which is taking place in the mind & energy bodies of all who are listening in the future.” Okay y’all, that’s 4 minutes in. Here we go.

Regina asks the Zs why it seems like everybody is so exhausted on Earth and why people aren’t “up for the good fight like they used to be.” Lee & the Zs (new band name?) explains that there are two reasons.

  1. Energy frequency exhaustion. This would back up his initial claim about there being higher frequencies on the earth right now. The interview took place in 2016, and he said the Golden Consciousness is supposed to be happening right now. I may be naive because I’m looking for something relatable, but I was doing just fine before this spiritual journey was slapped onto my plate. Like I truly don’t even know why my brain has entered these areas. I feel like I’m being taken through it, rather than pulling myself through it. It’s so weird and no matter how I explain it I sound nuts. But I’m actually okay with that because others might be experiencing this too.
  2. Life is designed to tire us out. It’s the visible balance between “light and truth” — I took this to mean “reality” — and stems from our desire to control life. He added as a side note that we are constantly going in and out of control of our own lives, like that we cannot control the fact that we have a lifespan, but we can control what we eat for breakfast.

He said not to get too caught up in specifics, like who the Creator is and which religion has the right stories. Instead, we should realize that everything is a battle between light and dark in its purest form. This isn’t a power struggle between the two; it’s just existing and happening with or without your awareness of it. You fit into it somewhere, so don’t fight it, just be the light in the scenario. Now take that idea and consider every religion’s ideologies that you can think of. Are they not all variants of that? It kind of makes you realize you’ll reach whatever version of salvation you think exists, as long as you chase light. He goes on to say that battles on earth tend to fall into a “us and them” mentality, when really humanity matters significantly less than the resources on our planet do. In regards to the Creator, which he actually refers to as the “control mechanism” and a couple of other names, they say it’s not as menacing as we think, which makes sense because everything just kind of exists. Nothing is actually evil, it’s just neutral, as is light which also just exists.

He said he couldn’t provide straight answers to our questions about the universe because it would just leave us with more questions. Humanity isn’t ready for that. Most of humanity can’t even fathom the fact that humanity is not the center of the universe. The fact that anybody is still wondering whether “aliens” exist is enough proof. The fact that anybody separates humans from aliens at all. Anyone who grasps the fact that skin color doesn’t make humans different has the capacity to understand that there’s no separation between aliens & humans. We are one and the same. We’re all just atoms. (The Zs even followed that by saying there are a vast number of similarities between us and “aliens,” to a degree that might shock us.)

Up until an embarrassingly short time ago, I was describing people with a lack of universal awareness as “small-minded” because I couldn’t articulate it well at all. It sounded so rude but I truly couldn’t think of a different term. A better way to describe people on a lower level of consciousness is “lower density.” Seeing things locally rather than universally. He compared this “leveling up” of consciousness to a video game, which he even hesitated to do because it’s way too simple, but it’s something we can easily understand. If you are stuck on a level in a video game but keep trying the same things, you’re not going to level up. Once you’re ready, you will unlock the next level. We constantly level up in our lives, and he said that many people are moving way faster through their own ascensions than the rest of the Earth is capable of doing.

Trivial human matters are distractions created by mankind. Politics, picking apart each candidate…kind of silly when we think about our place in the universe. We co-create these distractions while we’re in harmony with them. Ultimately they distract us from our real ultimate path of harnessing light energy within ourselves & spreading it into the darkness. Lee & the Zs say that the planet is trying to move to a different universal position but is being held down. Human programming has this awful design that makes fear stop us from processing certain information. We’ve been so afraid of aliens and produced these horror stories because they are unknown to us. Society’s fear slows down the rate of disclosure. You can’t have answers you’re afraid to process; your personal awakening has to have progressed enough to be at peace with that understanding. Too much information would “upset the balance” of what’s taking place in the universe and on earth.

There are obviously many differences between the political views of your average Gen Z or Millenial vs. Boomer. Lee & the Zs say that the older generation was more linear and it was more natural for them to “leap forward” into the game of life. Millennial/Gen Z has a harder time doing that because the newer generations are seeing things in a multidimensional way. Multidimensional people are able to “clean out” lower energetics at a planetary level, aka the innovators. There is a push from the older generation to continue the system the way it is, which happens to be filled with distractions. Obviously, the current system is breaking apart, making way for new order. NOTE: These are just theories & ideas, please do not consider this to be propaganda, please do not go storm the Capitol. But Lee & the Zs say that the younger generation will find their illumination spots, and “they know the power of community more than the older generations.”

I’m circling back to reincarnation now because he touched on it a few times in the interview. In reference to those people who claim to come back as someone from history, he says that those people are being “used” (not in the “earth connotation” of the word, so he says), as examples to other humans that reincarnation is possible. Kinda sounds like how the Virgin Mary and her baby were used as an example. Sorry if that’s blasphemous. Actually, no I’m not. If that offends you I highly recommend you stop reading. No filter here; we think outside the bun.

But yeah. So then he circles back to multidimensional people and tells us that they move through lives quickly, and this is good because staying identified with one life for too long can be damaging for humanity’s evolution, which totally makes sense. The visible form of this is someone being set in their ways.

One thing I found so funny was that the reporter kept asking him the most trivial questions that only pertained to human life, like questions about conspiracy theories and other mysteries among man. And he’s basically just like “Regina. I can’t tell you all the mysteries of mankind on this 45-minute documentary.” but he’s channeling a divine spirit so she’s like not comprehending his response and keeps coming up with other questions in similar categories. Regina, please.

But it goes back into the idea that the Zs can’t provide answers to the higher levels because we’re still at a low enough level where we’re just so fixated on local issues. Also, the answers aren’t as “pointed” as we think. But he says that within the next layers of consciousness, many of us will return to “essence” & let go of our human form at a whole new level. He referred to it as letting go of our “stories.” Like when people ask you, “What’s your story?” Letting go of that. Humans are required to metaphorically travel back in time when they want to heal emotional wounds. Once you can bypass that element, you can advance. I like to think of this as living in the present, which also means learning to say how you feel in the moment so that you don’t risk holding onto those emotions. Easier said than done; this isn’t an overnight process. It happens over generations and generations.

My husband helped me tie in other theories he had in relation to other universes and dimensions in existence. When we think of spacetime as a physical substance and the fact that space exists together with time, it makes it a lot easier to think about moments in time as coordinates in the (x,y,z) plane or something similar. If math scares you, pretend I said that we’re thinking about moments in time as coordinates on a map. So ideally you could name any coordinate and it would bring you to an exact moment in space and time. Because at that moment in time, you were at a specific place in space. So if we jump back to October 2nd, 2004 at 7:43 pm, you will always be sitting on your bedroom floor in your childhood home playing Gamecube and eating Spongebob Cheese Nips at that moment in time. It aligns your place in the universe with the time you existed there. And by this theory, that point always exists as long as the universe expands outward. SO, this connects to the previous paragraph because I feel like it makes it easier to think about living in the present and leaving your story behind. It continues to exist whether your present self fixates on it or not. But that’s just an idea and is not an excuse for you to never consider your past when making decisions in the present and future. It would just mean that if you don’t consider it, you already didn’t consider it. It’s a loop, don’t suck yourself into it.

This part is the kicker. Regina asks him about famous stories we hear throughout history, specifically King Arthur & the Knights at the Round Table, Kingdom of Camelot, all that jazz. Lee & the Zs tell her that it has a deep connection to Atlantis (I assume this is just our name for whatever people lived before us?) He says that the story did not physically happen on our planet but was holographically inserted into Earth history as an archetype. This makes it a true story and true for all of us because the energy is infused. “All stories become true as you make them true.” He says a story with embellished bits & pieces becomes true as someone aligns with it.

Then he talks about the Bible. He says that the Bible is certainly not fabricated. It was projected ~1,000 years ago into the mass psyche with a light vs. dark agenda. He explains that the reason the stories seem so magical is because that was the only way humans could understand consciousness back then. The Dark Ages were a really hard time for humanity, and people needed something extra “magical” to bring them back to the light. We are a lot closer to that “magic” today so it wouldn’t have the same effect. But the stories grow as we grow. The way these stories are presented now tends to change as we allow them to in order to serve a more aligned goal, seeking the light. The idea is that righteousness affects the energy field because it leads to light energy, and so dark loses some of its power in righteousness.

Generally, these archetypes have a hero on a mission, so Regina wanted to know if that was the intention for humans when reading these stories, which I thought was a fair question. People who feel like they have this illuminating energy tend to become drawn to these types of missions. These are called “lightworkers.” He said that we are in a time right now where more lightworkers are starting to step forward, but many fear the solo mission and keep at the daily grind. This is fine because the real shift in global consciousness occurs as a community. Our agendas have to be truly aligned. Realistically, it is moving in that direction. There are fewer judgments and comparisons between us than there used to be. “More unity is beginning to appear between those who previously saw difference and were encouraged to see difference. …Being together is the greatest force all of you will have in the coming two to three decades.” But as consciousness shifts, it plays out in the form of war & aggression. I found it to be particularly comforting when he went on to say, “Solo warriors who are exhausted, you will repair.” ❤️

Humans get so sad when they feel ostracized or alone, but energy is constantly moving. Your linear mind has trained you to believe that you can hold onto things, but you can’t. “It is not the way of the universe, let alone humanity.” We get so fixated on actions rather than intentions. Actions absolutely matter, but the real focus is the energy and light accessible to all of us. Distractions are growing because light energy is growing. “Keep working on yourself and you will contribute to the faster illumination.”

If you are still at a place where all of this sounds like total BS and you refuse to believe any of it is true, that’s actually perfectly okay in terms of lightworkers’ agenda. As long as you continue to go out and help with the goal of sharing light, become a “web of illumination.” Even if you don’t care about higher consciousness, just be a literal ball of sunshine & spread that energy.



Kelly Arce

Just a girl with ideas about the universe, working toward a bachelor’s in metaphysics to guide others who also find themselves questioning reality’s boundaries.