Digital Marketing Write for Us — SEO, SMM, PPC and Internet Marketing

New Digitalinfo
6 min readApr 29, 2023


Enhance your reputation as a leader in the industry through digital marketing write for us and get published on our platform. We are providing an opportunity to contribute insightful articles that can help enhance your credibility, boost your reputation and increase brand recognition. And, in time, your articles will help you become a key influencer in the industry.

You can choose to write for us on digital marketing topics, SEO or social media marketing write for us. Furthermore, we also accept PPC write for us and internet marketing write for us articles written by budding and experienced writers and professionals in the field. Our contributors are leading the way the industry is perceived with analysis and discussions on various topics. And, by digital marketing write for us, you can use your expertise and engage our audience. And, this is a great opportunity to obtain new visitors to your website and/or blog too.

Become an official Newdigitalinfo contributor

Sharing your expertise with our audience and engaging with industry professionals around the world is simple. To discuss article ideas send your company name, job title and examples of previous articles you have written to our Newdigitalinfo editorial team:

We encourage you to digital marketing write for us and share your opinions, stories, ideas and knowledge with our reader base. And, with SEO, social media marketing, internet marketing and PPC write for us articles, you can also share your amazing accomplishments you might have made in the field. Write about anything from conversion rates to real-time bidding and other areas where you might be considered an authority on the subject.

So, if you think you have the skills to excite our readers with digital marketing write for us articles, we would love to hear from you.

Topics We Cover:

We cover everything Digital marketing including but not limited to:

  • SEO Services
  • Pay For Performance SEO
  • Content Marketing
  • Social Media
  • PPC
  • Website Analytics
  • Website Design
  • Conversion Optimization
  • Online Innovation
  • Small Business
  • Start-up Marketing
  • Digital Advertising
  • E-mail Marketing
  • Reputation Management
  • Influencer Marketing
  • eCommerce
  • Affiliate marketing.
  • Marketing tips and hacks.
  • Social media marketing
  • Digital Marketing
  • Technology
  • Web Designing

Write for Us on Digital Marketing, SEO, PPC, Social Media Marketing and Internet Marketing

We are in search of innovative and creative writers, bloggers and professionals to digital marketing write for us and contribute articles. To get your SEO, PPC, social media marketing or internet marketing write for us article published on our website, pitch a fresh perspective and we will let you know what needs to be done next. We accept guest posts and are looking for talented contributors that specialize in topics related to digital marketing.

However, please note that there are some specific guidelines and editorial processes that need to be followed when digital marketing writing for us. Keep reading to discover what they are.

  • The digital marketing write for us articles should be original and must not have been published on any other website. We run all submitted guest posts through a plagiarism checker, so make sure you only use your ideas and words when preparing an article.
  • The articles should be at least 800 words long. And, we publish articles as long as 2000 words too.
  • The content should be relevant to our website and include suitable analytics, images, infographics and graphics. Please refrain from using elements that may contain watermarks or have copyright issues.
  • Any proposed SEO write for us, digital marketing write for us, PPC write for us or internet marketing write for us article should not include links to competitor websites. They should also be free from promotional and advertising links.
  • All images, infographics, graphics, charts and diagrams should be included as separate attachments. And, if you’re submitting third-party images, please be sure to add the link to the original.
  • Do not submit articles that are identical to ones that have already been published on our website. So, if you have an idea, please check our website to make sure your proposed one is completely original.
  • Make sure the article is well-researched and supported with metrics, numbers and other statistical measurements.

Digital Marketing Guest Post:

[ NOTE: Our editorial team reserves the right to avoid publishing articles that don’t meet the guidelines provided above. And, we also edit and make changes to the article structure as required. Additionally, we receive a lot of requests so approving your article might take some time. So, it’s important to be patient and wait for our response. And, if you have not received a response within 15 business days then you may submit your article for publishing elsewhere. We would also request you not to send any follow-up emails.]

Digital Marketing Write for Us — What We Publish?

If you’re a writer or professional in the digital marketing industry and want to become a leading expert, you can educate our audience with informative articles. You can write on trends, provide tips and “how-to” ideas, create listicles and much more.

With your experience, you can digital marketing write for us and create a digital presence by sending opinions. And, these can be on anything related to the digital marketing industry.

Why Submit a Digital Marketing Write for Us Guest Post?

We have a large number of visitors that regularly read articles we publish helping us generate organic traffic. So, when you digital marketing write for us, your article will be available to them all. And, in this way, you will become a recognized name in the industry and be perceived as an expert in the industry. This will go a long way in strengthening your personal brand and boosting professional growth.

Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to share your professional experience and knowledge. This will go a long way in networking and meeting like-minded individuals that are new to the industry or have been a part of it for years. And, you will also receive free technical support from our editorial team. Moreover, you may provide an author’s bio within 100 words and add a backlink to your website as well.

Tricks to Create Engaging Content for Our Website

When you write for us on digital marketing, SEO, PPC, internet marketing or social media marketing, there are certain things you can do to engage readers. Take a look at what they are.

When thinking of a title, use words, numbers or phrases. And, wordplay can go a long way in making the title intriguing and ensure visitors on our website want to keep reading to find out what’s in store.

There is no need to make paragraphs long as they can bore the readers and affect the readability. So, try to keep them as short as possible. This will ensure your readers stay entertained while receiving the information they might have been looking for.

It’s a good idea to use short sentences. Ones that are too long affect the readability negatively. So, we request contributors to keep sentences short and to the point.

When you write for us on digital marketing, SEO, PPC, social media marketing or internet marketing, the last thing the readers will go through is the conclusion. So, it’s important to make sure it’s strong and memorable for them. Also, it should not look like a summary of the article but an end or conclusion to the post.

Once your blog is published on our website, you can open an account and use it to respond to readers’ concerns, questions and general comments.

Also, once a digital marketing blog has been published on the website, you will receive a courtesy email. Then, you can go ahead and share the post and drive more traffic to the article and your website or blog through a backlink in the author’s bio.

So, there’s no merit in wasting more time. Send us a proposed article at and get started on your journey to being a recognized name in the industry. Get in touch with us for more information.

Originally published at on April 29, 2023.

