Fashion Tips
2 min readNov 28, 2015


Beauty tips for hair to get gorgeous tresses

Does your hair look dull and damaged?

Do you want your hair to look bouncy and beautiful?

Getting beautiful tresses is everyone’s dream but taking god care of hair is certainly not an easy task. Many of us want to be Rapunzel, but it, undoubtedly, is not possible for everyone. However, if you follow some simple beauty tips for hair, your hair will look healthy, shiny and full while making your personality outshine in the crowd.

Here are some vital tips for hair:

Do not use too much of hair products

This is one of the most common tips for healthy hair which you will find on almost all the fashion blogs and it certainly is one of the most effective hair care tips as well. Looking stylish with hair products attracts everyone but excess use of these products may damage your hair. These products can make your hair look greasy while weighing them down. So, do not use a lot of products at a time and ensure that you always stick to the guidelines of the products.

Use the heat protectant spray

Another vital hair care tip is to use the heat protectant spray on hair. The use of hair straighteners, hair dryers and curlers has become quite common these days and thus, it’s important to protect your hair against the heat. If you do not use one, your hair will slowly start frazzling away and look frizzy, dry and dull.

Use silk pillows to sleep

One of the best beauty tips for hair and skin is to sleep on silk bedsheets and silk pillows at night. Silk might sound like a luxury but these bedsheets and pillows are not just comfortable but are perfect for sleeping as the frizz and damage gets minimized. Moreover, the silk ensures that your hair get tangled less which implies lesser hair fall.

Become friends with hair rollers

Rollers only take a couple of minutes to put in and only few minutes to take out. Simply by sectioning your hair and putting a hair roller in each section, you can get beautiful curls and hair styles without making your hair undergo heated treatments. Hair rollers can be left in the hair for as much time as you want, and the result is voluminous and bouncy hair without damage.

These are some of the vital hair tips that help you overcome the hair damage and flaunt beautiful, thick and healthy tresses. Also, keep on reading the fashion blogs to know about some easy to do hairstyles which require minimum use of hair appliances and products to ensure good health and get gorgeous hair.

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