Unveiling the Pimenta Ancestral Mansion and Plastic Bottle Garden: A Sustainable Retreat in the Heart of Goa

New Goa News
2 min readApr 14, 2024
Pimenta Ancestral Mansion

Nestled amidst the vibrant landscapes of Goa lies a hidden gem that beckons travelers to step back in time while embracing the future of sustainable living — the Pimenta Ancestral Mansion and its awe-inspiring Plastic Bottle Garden. As a Roman Catholic Brahmin family (Bamonns), the Pimenta lineage has woven its rich tapestry of heritage and tradition into every facet of this historic abode, now housing its sixth generation.

Discovering Heritage and Innovation

The Pimenta Ancestral Mansion stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of the Pimenta family, preserving centuries of history within its hallowed halls. From ornate architecture to cherished heirlooms, each corner of the mansion whispers tales of bygone eras, offering visitors a captivating glimpse into Goan heritage. Adjacent to the mansion, the Plastic Bottle Garden emerges as a beacon of innovation and eco-conscious design. Crafted entirely from recycled plastic bottles by Noel Pimenta, this unique garden showcases the family’s commitment to sustainability. Situated at the left side of the mansion, it blooms, serving as a testament to the beauty that can be born from repurposed materials.

Embracing Fame with Mario Pimenta

Mario Pimenta, a prominent Goan figure and media coordinator of Club Filmatics, embodies the family’s dedication. His vision is an inspiration for generations to come.

A Tourist Haven for Heritage and Green Enthusiasts

As the word spreads about the Pimenta Ancestral Mansion and its Plastic Bottle Garden, it emerges as a must-visit destination for travelers seeking to immerse themselves in Goan culture while championing sustainability. Whether exploring the historic mansion or marveling at the eco-friendly garden, visitors are invited to embark on a journey of discovery and enlightenment.

Plan Your Visit

To experience the timeless allure of the Pimenta Ancestral Mansion and the eco-friendly oasis of the Plastic Bottle Garden, plan your visit today. Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Goan heritage while embracing the future of sustainable living at this enchanting landmark site in India.


The Pimenta Ancestral Mansion and Plastic Bottle Garden offer a harmonious blend of tradition and innovation, inviting travelers to explore the past while shaping a greener future. With its rich history, commitment to sustainability, and picturesque surroundings, this landmark site promises an unforgettable experience for tourists and conservation enthusiasts alike.



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