Why Should You Install Rain Gutters in Your home?

Torii Morales
2 min readAug 28, 2017


In your home’s roofing system, rain gutters can play an important role. They are an integral part of a building that should withstand the weather elements, especially rain. Basically, gutters are troughs that hold the rainwater on the roof and channel it away to an outside drainage. There are slopes and downspouts that take rainwater from the roof to the ground without falling on the windows, doors, sidings, and foundations of your home. They keep your house clean, dry, and safe. In fact, rain gutters in Denver are a worthwhile investment for keeping your house ready for the rainy season. Here are discussed the reasons to invest in the best rain gutters for your home:

1. They Help in Preventing Basement Flooding:

When there are no rain gutters to channelize the rainwater away from your home, this water gets accumulated around the foundations. From here, it seeps into the basement and causes flooding. However, rain gutters in Denver can direct this water away from the foundations. The curved downspout at the bottom of a gutter will get the water dumped into a splash block. The latter slows the water pressure and takes it away from the home.

2. They Keep the House Dry:

The rain gutters not only keep the entrance of your home dry, it also prevents you from getting soaked into water. Whenever you’ll step out or enter your home, you will be safe from a waterfall pouring from the roofs. The rain gutters will divert this water away in a proper manner without causing any damage to the infrastructure of your premises.

3. They Protect the Home Against Decay:

There are many components of a roofing system that aren’t waterproof. These parts include plywood and tar paper. They are covered with shingles and sidings having cracks and gaps between them. This causes seepage of water into the sidings and roofs. As a result, they start decaying and rotting. Your home may fall apart prematurely due to this sheer negligence. You need to protect it from any such damage by investing in a proper rain gutter system along with its timely inspections and checks.

4. They Protect the Home From Mold:

Due to constant humidity and moisture accumulation in the exteriors, mold may start growing on the walls and other damp areas. When water starts leaking into the dry walls, the growth of mold multiplies. It can be deteriorating for its structure because mold is hard to remove. But, you can prevent its growth by installing rain gutters in your Denver home.

5. They Protect the Landscaping:

The rainwater landing on your roof will rush to your garden and damage its landscaping with its intense flow. This water can erode the soil and weaken the foundation of your home. But, rain gutters can control this flow and prevent it from damaging your beautiful yard. They simply redirect the water away from the landscaping.

For all these reasons, you need to install rain gutters. Preferably, get this done by a trusted contractor of rain gutters in Denver for lasting results.

