Sonoma Valley CBD Rush: Is California CBD Ground Zero?

Bella Patrizio
3 min readFeb 27, 2020


The story of Sonoma Valley CBD begins in a Doctor’s office and ends in a vineyard.

CBD is a cannabinoid that is known for its ability to relieve the symptoms of nausea and vomiting. It has also proven to be a potent pain reliever for people suffering from inflammatory and neuropathic pain.

As a result of its therapeutic effects, CBD has proven to be effective in treating many chronic ailments such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, neuropathic pain, chronic pain, arthritis, anxiety, PTSD, and Parkinson’s.

CBD is also effective in relieving muscle spasms. Recent research has made clear that CBD is also effective against many types of cancers, including breast and brain tumors. There are also reports that CBD can significantly improve the quality of life for children suffering from neuropathic pain. While CBD is effective in many different medical diseases, cannabis extracts are not FDA approved for medical use.

The current FDA-approved prescription medications for medical use include drugs such as Sativex, Epidiolex, and Cesamet, while cannabidiol (or CBD) is approved by several State Medical Boards for medical use.

CBD will help you feel like your life is normal again. Some are using CBD to treat chronic pain or neurological disorders, while others are using it simply to deal with the pain of chemotherapy or end-of-life. A few people are using CBD to take their anxiety levels back. This study from Harvard, offers a clear look at the benefits of CBD.

Man trying Sonoma Valley CBD for the first time

However, many people have also reported an increase in their energy levels and improved self-confidence when using CBD oil.

It is important to remember that you can not buy CBD oil just anywhere and that the effects will vary from person to person. Some people with severe, life-threatening illnesses may not even use CBD. If you suffer from a serious, life-threatening illness and are using CBD as a method to help with pain, inflammation, and symptoms, then you should know that you are doing it right.

The main reason why people choose CBD in California and around the world is because it is non-addictive. Many people are scared to try CBD because of its potential for addiction. However, the fact that it is not a controlled substance means there is never any point your using more. CBD is a safer alternative to opioids and alcohol, and the effects are mild compared to those other alternatives.

Cannabis and CBD Oil is Natural, Natural, Natural

Just take a look at any article online and you will see numerous stories of people using CBD for physical or mental reasons. There is no denying this fact. Just because CBD comes from cannabis does not make it less safe. The only difference that people are making is that they are claiming CBD is a safe and effective treatment for life-threatening illnesses. The fact remains that CBD is one of the safest and best natural alternatives to opiates, antidepressants, and psychotropic medications.

Cannabis is extremely safe and non-addictive to its users. Unlike addictive substances, which can be harmful to human health, cannabis does not physically or psychologically harm people. It has also been shown to reduce anxiety and depression, reduce nausea and vomiting, and to assist in the treatment of pain.

If you are suffering from severe pain, suffering from depression, anxiety, or just wanting an alternative treatment for pain and other symptoms, then CBD is the best treatment option. The bottom line is that you should never feel alone when seeking to find cannabis treatments. With CBD, people from all over the planet are finding the perfect solution to their suffering.

