Newman NFTs

Newman Nfts
3 min readMay 13, 2022


A dedication to my dad.

Who is Newman NFTs?

The genesis of my NFT journey began years ago, during one of the most difficult times of my life. During those moments in life where you realize just how precious life really is.

As I sat by my father during his final days, distraught, I asked him for help. I had no clue how I was going to manage my life without him being there. I asked as most young men do, “what should I do with my life?”

His response was pretty simple, “do what makes you happy!” The impact of those words I carry till this day and that is why I created Newman NFTs.

It represents my hope for the future, my dedication to bringing happiness and fulfillment to other. Those who know me know this is not lip service. Though, I am not naive. I know not everything in life is peaches and cream and chocolate covered roses. Happiness is quite difficult to obtain, especially in this wild world of web3. Regardless, I am resolute in my goal to create a real community where our primary goal is to help each other succeed, not only for ourselves but for our families. I am of the opinion that there are no limits to what can be achieved through collaboration, a dedicated vision and good ole elbow grease (that is hard work).

What is Newman NFTs?

A private discord community dedicated to providing quality content and tailored services to our members. We cater to the avid investor (across multiple asset classes), gamer (both competitive and for leisure) and those interested in joining a “close-nit” community. Newman NFTs was created to deliver exemplary service and tangible value to all of our members; we are dedicated to this mission and have focused our efforts in the following 6 key areas.

These 6 primary areas of focus include:

I) Trading — our professional trading community with decades of trading experience has been built an exclusive community of traders/investors. Our dedication is to providing quality analysis and education across a wide range of investment products, services and industries (crypto, equities, options, commodities, etc.)

II) Competitive Gaming — Gaming is a key aspect of our business model and the community development aspect of our brand. We are looking to build a robost gaming experience that extends into the web2 gaming experience. Our frequent in-discord tournaments are developed by experienced gamers for gamers (in collaboration w/ other gaming communities & sponsors).

III) NFT & Crypto Calls/Market Analysis — We are looking into procuring technology/bots to enhance the Alpha procurement experience for our community. Our frequent discussions regarding Alpha and the industry at large will provide out holders with the insights they need to be successful in the space. Our enthusiastic discord community discussions are a must see! We analyze trends in the NFT space, as well as collectively review the NFT marketplace for trends and more. Understanding how to analyze the marketplace and the projects in it is the focus of this collective group of degens.

IV) Web 3 Education — Back to school. We are building a curriculum to provide quality educational resources, courses & “in-room” training seminars across a wide array of web3 topics. From discord management, to security, to smart contract analysis, we aim to equip all of our members with the tools necessary to be successful in the web3 space. A strong community is an educated community.

V) Community Development — Building a close-nit and dedicated community is essential to any endeavor. Which is why we have decided to limit our community to a max NFT count of 777. Newman NFTs is about building a family oriented space that prioritizes friendship and communal growth and professional development.

VI) Health & Wellness — The web3 grind is real. There is little debate regarding this; but how we cope with it is entirely in our hands. Our wellness course will teach you about cooking, herbs & spices, exercise, meditation and more. We at Newman aim to help our community achieve balance, both physically, mentally, emotionally and, yes, financially.

That is the jist of it. We are constantly re-evaluating what works and what does not and pride ourselves on being flexible in this ever changing world of web3; all with the aim at delivering the most value to our members. We are excited for the opportunity to share this journey with you. We hope to see you soon in our discord and part of our wonderful community.


Newman NFTs

