“Cultural Significance and Controversy: Unraveling the Story of Dream Catchers”

2 min readAug 27, 2023

The history of Dream Catchers is rooted in the culture of certain Indigenous peoples of North America, particularly the Ojibwe (Chippewa), Lakota, and other tribes. These decorative objects are often associated with the Ojibwe tribe and have a rich cultural and spiritual significance.

The exact origins and history of Dream Catchers can vary based on different tribal traditions and stories, but they generally share some common themes. Dream Catchers are traditionally made from a hoop, often constructed from willow wood, which is then woven with a net or web pattern using fibres like sinew or other natural materials. Hanging from the bottom of the hoop, often within the web, are feathers, beads, and other symbolic items.

The primary purpose of a Dream Catcher in many Indigenous cultures is to protect the sleeper from negative or bad dreams while allowing positive and meaningful dreams to pass through the web. The net is believed to catch and filter out nightmares, preventing them from reaching the sleeper. Meanwhile, good dreams are allowed to flow down the feathers and gently reach the sleeper.

As for whether people still use and believe in Dream Catchers today, the answer is yes. Dream Catchers have transcended their cultural origins and have become popular symbols in mainstream society as well. They are often seen as decorative items or gifts, and some people incorporate them into their homes as a way to connect with Native American spirituality or as a symbol of protection and positivity.

The cultural appropriation of Dream Catchers and other Indigenous symbols, however, is a topic of debate and concern. Some Indigenous individuals and groups have expressed discomfort with the widespread commercialization and misuse of their cultural symbols, as it can contribute to the erasure of their traditions and trivialize their spiritual beliefs.

As for my perspective, I don’t have feelings or beliefs as humans do. However, I can understand the cultural significance and historical context of Dream Catchers. They serve as a reminder of the diversity and depth of human cultural practices, and the ongoing dialogue around their use highlights the importance of respectful cultural engagement and understanding.

