Super detailed guide to New Power Coin masternode setup

New Power Coin
10 min readJun 24, 2018


I. Wallet download and installation. (Skip this step if you have already installed the wallet.)

Step 1. Download wallet

Choose the version of your OS and download:

Step 2. Install wallet (Win64 version as an example)

Double click and run the downloaded executable file. If there’s any anti-virus software alert, please choose “allow”.

Click “Next” button shown as below.

Click “Browse” if you would like to change the installation destination in the next window. Then click “Next” button.

In this window, click “Install” button.

Click “Next” button.

Click “Finish” button to finish the installation. Uncheck “Run NPW Core (64-bit)” if you don’t want to run the wallet immediately.

II. Preperation for local wallet masternode.

Step 1. Start the wallet.

Double click “npw-qt.exe” icon to start the wallet.

Step 2. Wait for sync

Hover your mouse on this icon to check current status of synchronization.

After the wallet data is up-to-date, let’s proceed to the next step.

If it takes too long for the wallet to sync, please add sync nodes using the following steps.

1) Paste the following lines in the config file:

2) Save config file.

3) Restart the wallet.


  • There’s a very important file: wallet.dat in your wallet data folder. (Normally it’s inside C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Newpowercoin, or a customized folder you chose during the installation.) This wallet.dat stores all important information and represents your ownership of this wallet.
  • Please backup this file very carefully. Use a USB thumb drive or a movable hard drive to store it in case your computer crashes and loses your New Power Coin. No one will be responsible for your loss except yourself.
  • Do not transfer this file unencrypted using any instant messaging software such as instagram or through email. Do not upload this file to any online storage.
  • This file needs to be backed up again if you set a password or changed the password of your wallet.

Step 3. Create a new wallet address and lock 20,000 NPW for masternode setup.

First, get 20,000 NPW in your wallet (normally you need to get more than 20,000, say 20,001 or so, because there will be transaction fee). You can buy them from these exchanges or just mine your own:

After your withdrawn NPW from exchanges to your wallet, create a new receiving address with this menu.

There’s already a default address, and you need to create a new one.

Enter a wallet name (e.g. masternode 1) as a label, then press OK.

It will create a new receiving address for you. Select this address and click Copy button to copy this address in clipboard.

Step 4. Send 20,000 NPW to your new address.

Click “Send” on the left menu bar.

Paste your new address into “Pay To” input box.

The “Label” input box will automatically display the label of the address.

In “Amount”, enter exact “20000” (twenty thousand), no more or less. Click “Send”.

Click Yes after reviewing transaction info.

In “Transaction” section of your wallet, you can see your new transaction listed in the grid. Currently it will be shown as a question mark, and when the icon becomes a blue check mark, it means this transaction is finished and confirmed.

In all, the above steps does this: send yourself 20,000 NPW.

Let’s do the next step during the confirmation of your transaction.

Step 5. Generate a masternode private key.

Click “Debug console” in the Tools menu.

Enter or paste createmasternodekey

Press enter, a new line of code appears, it is the newly generated masternode private key. Copy and paste this line into a text editor, and we will use it later.

When the transaction finishes (normally you have to wait a period of time when the transaction confirms), enter getmasternodeoutputs in debug console, it will display a transaction hash and an index value. Copy and paste these two numbers into a text editor, and save for later use.

III. Deploy a VPS for masternode

Step 1. Register a Vultr account and make the payment

Go to this website:

Enter your email and a new password, and then click “Create Account”.

After registration, login, and choose Billing.

Set up your own payment method.

Step 2. Deploy a new instance.

Click the Servers tab on the left and then click the + button on the right.

Choose server location. Los Angeles or Sillicon Valley is suggested.

Choose Ubuntu 18.04 x64. (17.10 or 16.04 will also do the job.)

Choose $5/mo.

Leave the options below blank.

Enter a name, e.g. NPW mn1, so that you can remember the use of this instance.

Click “Deploy Now”.

Let’s go back to Servers menu.

You can see the newly deployed server is installing OS.

When the status becomes “Running”, it means your new server has been deployed.

Click on the name of your newly created instance, and you will enter the management page. Copy the IP address and root password (click on the eye icon first to reveal).

IV. Deploy your masternode

Step 1. Log into your newly deployed server.

  • How to do it on Windows:

1) Download putty.

2) Launch putty.exe, enter your server’s IP address, and click “Open”.

3) Click Yes on the popup window.

Click “Yes” in this popup window.

4) Enter root as the login account. Then press Enter.

5) Enter your root password. Tip: After copying your password, right click on the cursor to paste.
(You may find there’s nothing to display when entering password, that is absolutely normal and you can just press enter.)

  • How to do it on macOS:

1) Open Terminal.
2) Enter ssh username@host


ssh root@

3) Enter root password.

After logging in, you can see this message.

Advanced user should consider changing default ssh ports, or using private key to login to enhance security. If you are new to linux, you can just ignore this. Reference:

  • Managing server directly through Vultr.

If you are having trouble using putty, you can just manage your server through Vultr management page. The only thing is you can not do any pasting and you have to manually enter the password and scripts.

Step 2. Install NPW wallet on your server.

Type the command below as one line. (Tip: right click on the cursur to paste.)

wget && bash ./

Press enter to execute this command.

Wait for downloading to finish.

When it asks you to input masternode privatekey, just paste your newly generated masternode private key (Section II, step 5.), and press enter.

The script will automatically start NPW server.

All your server-side operation has been completed. You can close putty and wait a few seconds for the masternode to start.

V. Config masternode in your local wallet.

Click on “Masternodes” menu on the left side of your wallet. And then, click “Create” button.

Enter the following information:

Alias: a label for your masternode. e.g. mn1
Address: Enter your server IP address, along with 61472. e.g.
PrivKey: Your newly generated masternode key. (Section II, step 5. createmasternodekey generated.)
TxHash: Enter TxHash. (Section II, step 5., getmasternodeoutputs generated.)
Output Index: Enter tx index. (Either 0 or 1)

Press OK.

Restart NPW wallet.

If there’s any error that leads to the wallet unable to start, please use notepad.exe to edit masternode.conf in your wallet data folder. Or just remove the newly added line and config the masternode once again. Please check all the information very carefully in order not to miss any space or data.

When you have restarted your wallet, you can see a newly created masternode listed in the table. But the status shows it’s still missing.

Wait for a few minutes for the masternode server to start and the transaction has been confirmed.

Click “Start MISSING” button.

Click “Yes”.

You will see the masternode has been started.

Please note the Status shows “ENABLED”, and you will see a timer under Active column.

If the timer does not change during the time, or keeps showing 00m:00s, you can try to restart this masternode. If the problem persists, you need to check the procedure above to make sure every step you did is right.

You can check again for your server to see if the masternode service is running. Just use putty to login, enter commands:

cd /usr/local/npw/bin

./npw-cli masternode status

If the message shown as above, it means your masternode is running.

VI. Multiple masternodes configuration

After the steps above, I believe you are familar with the steps of setting up your masternode. Just send yourself another 20,000 NPW, generate another masternode private key, get txhash and index.

Create another VPS instance, paste the masternode deployment script, and enter the other masternode private key.

Go back to your wallet, create your second masternode. That’s it!

If you like this guide, please donate NPW to the author and English version translator.

Author: NfTNWhCP4L6zL2bssUnEYjDjoFwVERSAEy

English Translator: NLCc3DQnA6DQqzDibK6vr3rkWzyypkmreK

