Can You Keep A Secret?

2 min readSep 4, 2017


Do good, but shhhh.

But don’t tell anyone

Let’s be honest.

We usually do things because we want someone else to recognize that we did something. Amirite?

Like when doing the dishes.

We’re all guilty of sometimes clanging and banging those pots and pans just a little louder to be sure that your significant other (or roommate, or mom) is audibly aware that you’re cleaning up.

Well, we’ll tell ya where they are less prone to sound like a one-man marching band when scrubbing the Corningware, Japan.

One more time

We’re pretty sure this is like the tenth time we mention something cool that we’re learning from the land of sushi and samurai.

But as we learn, we share.

So here’s another great Japanese life mantra to add to your everyday.

It’s the notion of intoku. And it’s lovely.

Just do it

The term intoku means to do good in secret without the expectation of praise or reward.

Basically, do something intentionally good in secret. And do it because you mean it. Do it because you know it’s the right thing to do.

Now that you’re all familiar with intoku, get ready to channel a mix of your inner James Bond and Mr. Rogers to secretly sprinkle some goodness in the lives of your entourage.

Tip — For an easy win tomo morning, bring your pal / BFF / colleague a nice soy latte and leave it at their desk. Seriously…who is not gonna like that?


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