Aaron Swartz

News World
2 min readApr 18, 2016


Aaron Swartz

Aaron Hillel Swartz was born on 8th September 1986 in Highland Park, Illinois U.S. he was the eldest son of Jewish Parents son of Susan and Robert Swartz. Aaron Swartz died in the (age of 26) on 11th January 2013. He committed suicide by hanging, while under federal condemnation for data-theft. He engrossed his self in the study of computers, programming and the study of internet, internet culture. He attended a small high school near Chicago name as North Shore Country Club. At the age of 14 he turns into the member of working group of RSS O.1 website. He completed his education by studding in Stanford University.

In 2001, Aaron Swartz joined RDF at the working group of WWW Consortium. In 2005, he worked with nascent Y- Combinator firm Reddit. In 2006, he got a great success on Reddit. In 2008, he founded a site of Watchdog.net. It’s a great government site with teeth.This is site on which you can collectively visualize data about politicians. In 2009, he learned about effective activism. In 2010, he took interest in researching and become a research fellow at the University of Harvard, Safra research Lab on institutional Corruption and this is directed by Lawrence Lessig.

His life and profession:

By profession Aaron Swartz was an American Computer Programmer, writer, entrepreneur, political organization and also a computer hacker. He was count as a very smart boy and he had proved his intelligence in many other fields such as:

  • Developed the web feed (format RSS).
  • Organize website of Creative Commons.
  • Partner of Social News Site REDDIT.
  • Worked on Awareness and Activism.
  • Contributor editor to THE BAFFLER.
  • Helped in the Launch of Progressive Change Campaign Committee.

He was also a founder of demand progress. It launched the campaign against the internet censorship bills. Now it members strength increases over one million.

Aaron Swartz was a recurrent television commentator. He was also the author of numbers of articles on diversity of interesting topics.

He developed some sites:

Aaron Swartz was very interested in developing different websites. Some of his created websites are mention below:

  • org.
  • Who writes Wikipedia? (in the analysis of Wikipedia)
  • The RSS 1.0 specification (used for publishing news stories)

How he was arrested?

In 2011, 6th January Aaron Swartz was arrested by MIT Police and by a U.S.A secret agent near Harvard campus. He was charged at District Court for breaking and entering with intent to consign a felony.

On July 2011, he was charged with some other hacks like wire fraud and computer fraud. He was also charged due to unlawfully obtaining information from the computers.

History of Death:

According to his girlfriend (Tarren Stinebrickner Kuaffman) in the evening of 11th January 2013, she found Aaron Swartz dead in his Brooklyn Apartment. A spokeswomen Reported that he had hang himself as nobody could find any suicide note around him. According to her partner he spends his last 20 months with him. As they lived together, commuted together and worked together. She also told that the Aaron Swartz was not in any kind of depression. That proves his suicide was committed due to depression.

