Obscure.IM News : 16 Mar 19

Obscure News
3 min readMar 16, 2019


Whitepaper: 08 March 2019
Mainnet: 01 April 2019

As a sign of appreciation for the passionate community, the Obscure.IM Team has worked doubly hard for the past two weeks and managed to achieve earlier release dates!

Whitepaper launched successfully on 03 March 2019, 00:00 GMT+0.
Read it on the official Obscure.IM website.

Mainnet launched successfully on 15 March 2019, 00:00 GMT+0.

  • 10 Mh/s within 24 hours of launch
  • 100 miners on first hour of launch

Prior to launch, we found a secret mining operation that mined 11,000 blocks. Therefore, there was a slight delay in launching. Thank you to the community for your immense support and patience.

Presale has closed successfully with a total of 350,000 XSC sold on 16 March 2019, 00:00 GMT+0.

  • 1.25 BTC from presale
    (~0.7 from incubator, ~0.5 from Discord)

Following the successful presale, post sale is now available:

  • 1,000 XSC for 0.005 BTC
  • 10,000 XSC for 0.05 BTC
  • 50,000 XSC for 0.25 BTC

Obscure.IM Team currently observing multiple exchanges for upcoming listing:

  • TradeOgre
  • CREX24
  • Amsterdex

After much discussion with early shareholders and feedback from the community, 0.9 XSC block reward has been regarded as unbalanced, as developers would own more than 50% of circulating supply in 3 years.

Hence, block reward has been increased to 3.5 XSC. Presale value was also decreased to 70,000 XSC for 0.25 BTC as a result.

  1. Masternode collateral reduced to 30,000 XSC
  2. Testnet miners will receive a split of 50,000 XSC
  3. Moderator bounties updated to 10,000 XSC / 6 months
  4. Price per coin when on exchange = US$1 per coin

Following the successful Mainnet launch, the Obscure.IM Team has constantly been receiving marketing pitches and reward demands. Here are some common queries we addressed:

Why were the rewards updated?
It is only fair for early adopters to have higher rewards than early majorities, because early development phase carries a much higher risk.

Many of the previous bounties were also considered under the assumption that block reward would be 30 XSC. However, now that the block reward is only 3.5 XSC, it makes sense to reduce the bounties accordingly.

In addition to the high hash rate, each coin has become seemingly harder to mine, and thus increasing the value of each coin.

Would Obscure.IM like to be promoted on <insert> marketing site?
We thank you for your kind offers. However, Obscure.IM would prefer not to be marketed among dubious coins.

Most marketing pitches involve dubious websites that involve spammy backlinks, which are detrimental to our future SEO practices. Upon further investigation, most marketing sites involve demographics that trace back to developing nations. Such factors do not align with Obscure.IM’s brand and pipeline objectives.

However, if you do have a reputable marketing platform, you’re welcome to reach out to the team on Discord!

Moving forward, the Obscure.IM Team will be focusing on:

  • Referral competition rewards on Discord
  • Development of xPay app on iOS and Android
  • Exchange Listing

Once again, a big thank you to the community for your tremendous support!

