World Open Network (WON): The Developer’s Best Friend

World Open Network Blog
5 min readFeb 14, 2019


As regards the older generation blockchain, analysts agree on one thing above all: it’s not going anywhere. For developers, choosing the right blockchain is everything. You need something both efficient and regulatory compliant.

World Open Network (WON) is a blockchain platform aiming to help millions of developers realize their dreams, WON shares some powerful features with Ethereum. Our engineers are working hard to implement more. Furthermore, WON also aims and to make blockchain technologies available to billions of people all over the world.

However, from the beginning, we have accepted the reality of government awareness. We understand that government is not only interested in cryptocurrencies and blockchains, but in many cases, they are concerned. We have therefore decided that all participants in the World Open Network will be compliant with Know Your Customer and Anti-Money Laundering laws.

It is believed that living in the reality is the best way to make friends with the current challenges. We will only operate in jurisdictions where developed regulations allow blockchain and cryptocurrency products. In doing so, we are not passing judgment on those who have chosen not to put such guardrails in place. Instead, we are business-oriented. Businesses are used to working within the bounds of the law and prefer to do so.

A Blockchain Platform You Can Rely On

You can be comfortable with your games running on WON Platform. We’ve built a reliable, secure blockchain which processes more than 1000 transactions per second. Your players will enjoy the enhanced speed and efficiency of WON.

Our platform is attractive to developers looking to build on a regulator-friendly blockchain with full capabilities. Options like Ripple exist, but they are far behind Ethereum, NEO, or Wanchain in terms of functionality. We fill this void for your choice: we do much more than those blockchains can through compliance with both regulators and commercial demands. We offer a peace of mind that cannot be had on networks still vulnerable to regulatory intrusion (like Ethereum, who have had several of their smart contracts prosecuted criminally). In order to make our services available in as many jurisdictions as possible, we have been working hard to mitigate with KYC vetting, AML and BSA programs, and we will continue working on it. So, we only work with legitimate businesses, like yours.

Two recent concerns with Ethereum have been transaction speed and environmental impact. WON does not require mining or even proof-of-stake, both of which require vast amounts of electricity. The WON Blockchain (WOB) utilizes Proof-of-Authority to verify transactions. The network is self-sustaining — transaction fees go back to the Authority and incentivize it to run efficiently. Our network is currently capable of processing over 1000 transactions per second, far more than Bitcoin.

New Opportunities for Developers

WON aims to create a developer-friendly environment. The World Open Network itself will evolve as third-party developers join WON. If you’ve ever played online games, you may have experienced a slow reaction from the developers or even from the customer services. With WON, developers are incentivized respond to user demands quickly. They and the public will know that users are dropping their Developer Coins and running to other games. This sounds challenging, but in actual, it is also one of the opportunities to grow your business and become competent, thus, creating a virtuous balance between user and developer.

A partnership with developers is already in place. Our first partner is an experienced game development company, Top Games Inc., who are responsible for one of the most popular games in mobile history — Evony: The King’s Return. You may have seen their television and other advertisements. The game has many millions of downloads and has generated tens of millions of dollars. We believe that by adding their more than ten years of experience along with their name recognition to our network as a first step we are boosting the probability that other top-tier firms will follow suit. According to Top Games, it is scheduled that at least six new games are in development, all of which will use their WON-based cryptocurrency, the T.

There are infinite ways the blockchain can boost app development, particularly for games. You gain the leverage of a global computing platform and the ability to profit in ways never before possible. Imagine a player-run marketplace where you earn a commission on every trade — a zero-effort profit boost, and just one example of how WON can help you earn more from your work.

Games are one of the best applications of blockchain technology. With WON and Smart Contract technology, you have more control of the game assets than ever before which you acquire and purchase in-game, making them transferable. Companies wanting to integrate such capabilities will prefer a platform like WON due to our built-in compliance mechanisms. While you can have fun and trade assets in games, in WON the potential for money laundering is severely limited.

Imagine your friend or guildmate from the other side of the world needs an epic weapon to fight a boss in an MMO game, which has their rare items decentralized. You have one in your digital wallet. You can loan it to him a few taps on your mobile device, without even opening the game.

Game developers also have access to resources outside of the normal scope of computing resources. Other developers can join the network and provide things such as processing capabilities. Thanks to Smart Contracts, developers have the option to host games over the WOB instead of paying heavily for servers and traffic especially for the testing phase. Our decentralized network represents the very best of blockchain technology.

Beyond Games

Year over year, thousands of developers jump on the blockchain bandwagon. There’s a good reason for this: blockchain offers resources and infrastructure that would have cost millions of dollars in previous eras. WON is working hard to offer these to game developers. Maybe you’ll be the next to join our growing list of partners.

Top Games is merely our first third-party development partnership. While they are extremely noteworthy, we’re not stopping there. We are driving to be the premiere blockchain games platform. Our blockchain offers all the capabilities of other smart contract platforms with the added bonus of built-in KYC/AML protections. Virtually any app with reasonable server-side requirements can host their service over the WOB. For start-ups especially, WOB is an ideal choice, being very low-cost.

Moreover, as a company with the specific goal of building the World Open Network, we have staff dedicated to attracting development teams from around the world. We actively work to expand the network and grow our resources.

The possibilities are endless. We are motivated to grow our network rather than simply offer a conceptual product at the beginning and cash out on an ICO, as others have done. Most of the smart contract platforms have funded their development through the ICO model. We at WON chose to build our company on more wholesome values. We prefer to succeed alongside the platform itself rather than at its expense.

