Getting Listed on Exchanges

2 min readOct 25, 2017


With DIONS coming soon™️, it is about time to reach out to new exchanges, new frontiers where IOC can be exposed to!

Now some of you may ask,

“Didn’t the team said that we had exchanges in line for IOC?”

Yes, Richard had answered this question on Slack:

The move to PoS CiPher allows IOC to interact with decentralized exchanges such as Barterdex and BlockNet. If you have any other dex the team can contact, please let us know!

Barterdex and BlockNet are a few decentralized exchanges we have on our list to integrate with. You can find more information about BlockNet and Barterdex here & here. There will be more details on this later down the road via our newsletter or other team channels.

There were several exchanges that I have contacted and some, such as HitBtc which has made an offer for listing as follows:

6 months listing — — 9 BTC /per currency pair*
12 months listing — — — 15 BTC /per currency pair*
+ 5 BTC audit fee

Price includes:
· Listing on HitBTC against one selected currency — BTC/ETH/USDT
· Re-tweet of your listing announcement
· Publication on our Knowledge Base page with a short description and a link to your website

Additional promo options:
· More currency pair options — 5 BTC per each new pair
· Blog post + Tweet — 2,5 BTC
. Token Contract Audit
· Professional trading consulting (provided by trusted partner)

Listing Promo Package: 3 pairs x 12 months listing + Blog Post = 23 BTC
Lifetime listing: 3 pairs, unlimited listing + Blog Post = 50 BTC

Cryptopia, has also a payment option in their website which asks for 5.2 million DOTS for payment.

Due to the expense of listing is high, we from the I/O Community Team wanted to reach out to you all and have a poll and vote on which exchanges we should consider listing and also bring attention to the viability of having a community donation address dedicated for that.

If you would like to join the poll, and I encourage you to do so by filling in the form below;

Google Exchange Poll Form

The vote will be open up to one day prior to DIONS block call countdown and we’ll see how far that takes us!

Also, one of our community member helped contributed towards translating our info to chinese:

More translation is on the way!!

Jae Sik

I/OCoin Community Manager

