Between cut-throat competition, Which is better OLED, LCD or PMOLED

New Vision Display
3 min readFeb 12, 2018


While purchasing smartphones or other gadgets most of the people are concerned with the display screen. As there are different types of screens available like OLED, LCD, and PMOLED Display.

Many of them might be confused not knowing which is the best one and how to choose them.

And a simple tip to choose the best display screen is by considering the cost of each type. However, one has to know which type of screen is better and why. This will help the individuals to focus on selecting the best display screen.


LCD- Liquid Crystal Display. LCD has been existing for their fair share of times and deservingly so. And is the basic type of screen that has replaced old display screens.

As it’s name specifies it is made up of the liquid crystal which is generally illuminated by a fluorescence backlight. There are two basic types of LCD display used on mobile phones.

TFT LCD: It is one of the most popularly used screens that provides better image quality. However, it requires more battery backup since it consumes lots of power.

IPS LCD: This is a little bit expensive display screen that is only available on high and devices. Additionally, it provides an amazing experience of viewing an image from different angles thereby consuming less power.

Passive matrix lcd display that uses a grid of horizontal and vertical conductors comprised of ITO to create an image.


OLED- Organic Light Emitting Diode. It is based on a thin film technology which contains OLED which is an organic material that emits light when current is passed through it.

Most of the iPhone's are made up of OLED Display panels. There are two types of OLEDs,

PMOLED: Passive Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode. It is a sequential operation that is controlled by a simple scheme. They are quite cheaper and easy compared to AMOLED displays and are used in small display screens.

AMOLED: Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode. It eventually supports larger displays thereby having huge capacitors that are driven by TFT. Without any restrictions, it can work on any fundamental principle of an OLED.


PMOLED stands for Passive-Matrix OLED, that is completely related in the way the user controls the display. A PMOLED display is operated by using a simple control scheme in which each and every row is controlled sequentially.

Basically, they do not have any capacitor and is the main reason why most of the time the pixels are off. In order to use the display, screen one has to use more power so as to brighten the screen.


Probably one might have understood the difference between OLED, PMOLED, and Lcd Display screens. It is even more clear that LCD is better preferred in low-end devices with low cost. And is one of the reasons why most of the electronic gadgets are made of LCD screens.

In order to have a better viewing experience, one can prefer OLED Display screens that depend upon the cost. And when it is the case of AMOLED, is preferred if one needs energy efficient and larger display screens.



New Vision Display

New Vision Display, Inc. (NVD), based out of California, is a global leader in manufacturing custom display and touch technologies