Exciting Milestone Achieved: Nexa Crowdfunding Goal Reached!


🎉 Congratulations to the Nexa Family! 🎉

We are thrilled to announce that thanks to the unwavering support and dedication of our community, we have successfully reached our crowdfunding goal for listing on a mid-tier exchange. This marks a significant milestone in our journey towards building a more inclusive global financial network.

Our Progress

As you know, Nexa has always stood for fairness and transparency. Unlike many other cryptocurrencies, Nexa was launched without an ICO, pre-mining, or venture capital funding. Every Nexa coin has been fairly mined, adhering to our core principles. This commitment to fairness, however, means we face challenges in competing with well-resourced entities. That’s where our community’s support becomes even more critical.

What’s Next?

With the crowdfunding goal met, we are now poised to expand our presence on the cryptocurrency stage. This expansion isn’t just about listing on new exchanges; it’s about preparing for future opportunities to apply for top-tier exchanges, increasing our reach and influence.

We are currently in the process of selecting high-quality mid-tier exchanges that align with our criteria:

  • Recognized within the top 20 on platforms like CoinGecko or CoinMarketCap
  • Provide robust on and off-ramp options
  • Engaged and sizable user base
  • Offer co-marketing opportunities without requiring market-disruptive conditions

Looking Forward

The path ahead is exciting but requires careful navigation. We are diligently working on the details and will keep you informed every step of the way. Your patience and trust as we finalize these arrangements are immensely appreciated.

How Can You Help Further?

Continue to show your support by staying engaged and contributing to discussions. Every bit of involvement helps as we strive to make Nexa a cornerstone in the new financial paradigm.

Thank You!

We cannot express enough how grateful we are to each of you who contributed, supported, and believed in our vision. Rest assured, the funds raised will be judiciously used to further our mission, adhering strictly to our goal of no market disruption.

We look forward to continuing this journey with you, achieving greater successes and making even bigger impacts together.

Stay tuned for more updates, and once again, thank you for making this possible. Together, we are unstoppable!



Nexa: Seamless scalability, endless opportunities.

Nexa is an open source network with a public distributed ledger. Next generation store of value with instant transactions, smart contracts and tokens.