May the Profits Be with You: Unconventional Business Wisdom from an Unlikely Guru

Master Yoda’s Lessons for Business Success

David Watson
5 min readMay 3, 2023
(Yoda Business Guru: Image by David Watson and Midjourney)

The galaxy far, far away and the boardrooms of startup companies might seem like worlds apart.

But wait, what if I told you that there’s one green, pointy-eared Jedi Master whose wisdom transcends time and space, offering valuable insights for entrepreneurs?

That’s right, we’re talking about Yoda, the grandmaster of life lessons!

Yoda’s School of Lifelong Learning: The 900-Year-Old Startup Guru

Remember when Yoda lifted Luke’s X-Wing out of the swamp on Dagobah?

That iconic moment is all about believing in yourself and the power of learning.

You see, Yoda’s been around the block for over 900 years, and he’s got the experience to back it up.

But it’s not just his age that counts — it’s his attitude towards learning.

Entrepreneurs can take a page out of Yoda’s book and embrace a life of continuous learning, treating every challenge, setback, and success as an opportunity for growth.

After all, even Steve Jobs took a calligraphy class that later inspired the typography…



David Watson

4xTop Writer-business,entrepreneurship,startup (⊙_⊙)35+yrs in business automation. Publisher-"Craft Your Words", "The Entrepreneurial Streak" &"IntelliBoosters"