An Intro To HTTPX

The httpx package for Python

Mohammed Machraoui
4 min readMar 6, 2022


Httpx is a web client for Python that makes it easy to communicate with web servers. It supports multiple protocols, including HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP. It also supports authentication, including Basic and Digest authentication.

The httpx package for Python

provides an easy way to access HTTP resources from within your Python programs. It includes both a low-level interface to HTTP, and a higher-level interface which provides an easy way to access common HTTP operations.

The http package includes the following classes:

httplib — Provides an low-level interface to HTTP.

- Provides an low-level interface to HTTP. urllib.request — Provides an easy way to access common HTTP operations.

- Provides an easy way to access common HTTP operations. urllib.parse — Parses URLs into a variety of components.

- Parses URLs into a variety of components. urllib.error — Provides information about errors that occur when accessing…

