An Author’s Collision Course With Mindset and Law of Attraction

Michael Scott
6 min readNov 29, 2018

“I firmly believe that it’s vital to not only feel good but to take inspired actions that communicate to the Universe exactly what it is that you want to manifest so it can deliver it to you in record time.”

Jaclyn Nicole Johnston

The year was 2001. I was living in Carson City, Nevada working to build a series of businesses with my brother. Realizing that we needed an infusion of cash to stay alive, I turned to a Law of Attraction practitioner in the hopes of addressing some of my money blocks.

Honestly, I had little confidence that he could help because, at the time, Law of Attraction seemed a little too metaphysical and ethereal to me. I had to work really, really hard and suspend my judgment.

But why not, I thought. So I began employing a framework given to me by this practitioner

  1. Decide what it is that you want (Ahh, duh)
  2. Raise your vibration around it ( i.e. get energized and excited about it)
  3. Suspend all doubt that it will occur (i.e. Because others have seen it occur in their life, it is definitely within the realm of possibility)

Before sharing with you what resulted from my experience with Law of Attraction, I want to introduce you to an author who is…



Michael Scott

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