Development Update 005 — Exchange Listings & New Office

Sociall (SCL)
2 min readSep 12, 2017


Welcome to the exciting fifth development update. We’ll be updating you all on the process with exchange listings and our new office space.

We are currently in the process of moving offices to make way for the growing team. Both Ryan and Gareth started yesterday, and we’re now looking for another talented backend developer to join the team in house. The current tenants are still moving out, so we’re working around them for the next few days. We took some pictures to share with you all.

Many of you have been asking about exchange listings. All we can share with you at this time is that we’re currently in talks with a major exchange and hope to be listed shortly after the finalization of the ICO. We have entered an agreement with the said exchange, so we’re unable to release any further details regarding this until (and if) we are approved and listed. We will then have Selena, our PR team member, on exchange communications for listing, full time. She will be reaching out to all exchanges, both big and small, to organise listing. By having Selena on this full time, we will ensure that we get listed as soon as possible. Of course, the exact date for listing will be up to the exchanges.

If you would like to request an exchange, please email The exchanges with the most requests and popularity will be prioritised.

We’ll share more progress regarding our office, team and exchange listings in the coming weeks.



Sociall (SCL)

Sociall is a secure and private social network for all that utilises its native cryptocurrency, SCL.