Development Update 010 —Major Exchange Listing & Dev Updates

Sociall (SCL)
2 min readOct 25, 2017


Welcome to our tenth development update! We’ll be updating you all on the progress for the major exchange listing and some small development updates.

Development is going to plan and we’re on track for a Q1 2018 2.0 release. We’re currently finishing up the authentication and API servers. Once they’re up to scratch, we’ll begin integration with a CI (Continuous Integration) service to help us push updates faster and in a more secure and safer manner in the future. Amir is starting with us in less than two weeks (6th of Nov). He’ll begin integrating the completed APIs into the front end project that we receive from Mizko soon. To sum everything up — we’re ahead of schedule. Looking for late Q1 2018 public release of version 2.0. Once the new version is released, new features will be pushed fortnightly thanks to Scrum development sprints and our CI setup.

Everything is closed source at the moment while we’re in development. Once we release publicly in 2018, and after our third party security audits are complete, we’ll begin open sourcing both the API server and front end Angular project. We may partially open source the authentication server, although some will need to be closed due to security reasons. Parts of the API server will also be closed off to hide third sensitive login credentials such as the database connection strings and third party API passwords.

We were going to share some mockups of the new design created by Mizko, although have decided to delay this as there are a few copycats in the industry now who are watching our every move and stealing all features and designs that we create. We have decided to delay this for a few weeks so that these copycats cannot brand them as their own.

We have been in talks with HitBTC and they have agreed to list us. We’re currently finalising payment and listing times now. We will hopefully be listed within the next 2 weeks (possibly even sooner). Once we know more, we’ll be sure to let you all know with a new announcement here. After we are told the exact listing date and time, we’ll then have another announcement with in-depth details of the buy-back program.

We’ll be pushing out development updates such as this one almost every week from now on to keep you updated on our progress. If you have any questions, please email us at



Sociall (SCL)

Sociall is a secure and private social network for all that utilises its native cryptocurrency, SCL.