Carl Bot Discord!

Neymar Rana
2 min readOct 29, 2021


Discord is a popular chat app where you can have discussions with other users. Carl bot, also known as the “Carl” bots for short in Discord allows people to manage logs and store chats while creating reaction roles similar to many of its competitors available online or via download from third parties such as AutoMod which takes spammy material off your feed by filtering them out before they get posted so that’s not an issue anymore!

Carl bot, also known as the carl bots for short is an advanced Discord chat client coded in Python where you can manage logs, store chats and create reaction roles. It’s made by carlb0t so it takes AutoMod to the next level by not letting spam material, attachments or links through and penalizes users who post such stuff. (references) (citation)

It appears that carlbot is spelled carl-bot. carlb0t created carlbot for user to easily utilize autoremote on discord without getting caught up with code editing or any of that mess. carlb0t states “AutoMod allows communities large and small to foster positive environments while keeping carlbot free.” carlb0t is Michael Carlton who has experience in Python and is a mod on ItzWarty’s Discord server. carlbot can be downloaded at carlb0ts github page. (references) (citation)

The carl-bots bots combined with AutoMod, which takes spammy material off your feed by filtering them out before they get posted so that is no longer an issue with carl-bots! carl-bots was developed by carlb0t which takes autoremote to the next level by not letting spam material, attachments or links through and penalizes users who post such stuff. carlb0t states “AutoMod allows communities large and small to foster positive environments while carl-bots free.” carlbot is Michael Carlton who has experience in Python and carl-bots a mod on ItzWarty’s Discord server. carl-bots can be downloaded at carlb0t github page. (references) (citation)

The Carl bot, also known as Carl bots for short, is an advanced Discord chat client coded in Python where you can manage logs, store chats and create reaction roles. It’s made by carlb0t so it takes AutoMod to the next level by not letting spam material, attachments or links through and penalizes users who post such stuff. carlb0t states “AutoMod allows communities large and small to foster positive environments while carl-bots free.” carl-bots was developed by carlb0t which takes autoremote to the next level by not letting spam material, attachments or links through and penalizes users who post such stuff. carlbot is Michael Carlton who carlb0t experience in Python and is a mod on ItzWarty’s Discord server. carl-bots can be downloaded at carlb0t github page. (references) (citation)

The carl bots for short, also known as Carl bot is an advanced Discord chat client coded in Python where you can manage logs, store chats and create reaction roles. carlb0t states “AutoMod allows communities large and small to foster positive environments while carl-bots free.”

