Gum Regrowth Toothpaste

6 min readAug 1, 2022

If you are looking for ways to stop receding gums from getting more severe, you’ve come to the right place. This article will answer queries such as What Are Receding Gums?, What Causes Gum Recession, and How to Stop Receding Gums From Getting more Worse. We’ll also cover the most common treatments for gum recession.


Fortunately, gum recession is not unavoidable and can be prevented or corrected. You must understand how receding gums occur and make the necessary corrections to achieve this. This condition is not an accident; it always has an underlying cause that must be eliminated.
Although dental decay is the most common dental issue, gum issues are also very common, affecting nearly every part of the population. The gum recession affected 64% of the general population and 100% of people over 80. Here are some easy recommendations to help keep your gums healthy and prevent further problems. To prevent a receding gum line from worsening, eat a healthy diet and avoid smoking. Read review on regrowth of gum tissue
A dentist should be consulted regularly for any sensitivity in the teeth. If your gums are sensitive, it may indicate something else, so visit your dentist as soon as you notice any symptoms. Your periodontist can help you determine the root cause and prescribe the right treatment. Depending on the cause of your gum recession, there are several ways to treat it. You can also visit a dental clinic for a more comprehensive assessment of your condition.

Causes and symptoms of gum recession

There are many bases why you might be experiencing receding gums. Genetics can play a part in this issue. Some people have out-of-alignment bites and crooked teeth. Some of these issues will also affect the health of your gums. If you notice that your gums are receding, gum disease may be a sign.
Recessive gums expose more teeth than normal, causing gaps between the gums and the tooth. These gaps can harbor harmful bacteria, leading to tooth decay or tooth loss. If you suspect your gums are receding, seek immediate treatment from a periodontist. The best way to prevent the condition is to take care of your teeth by following a good oral care routine.
You must visit your dentist for thorough cleaning if you have any of these symptoms. Your periodontist can treat receding gums with a variety of different treatments. First, your periodontist can prescribe antibiotics to relieve any inflammation. Second, he or she can undo the receding gums by performing a deep cleaning procedure on the area. This deep teeth cleaning involves removing bacteria and smoothing the exposed root area.
Gum recession is a typical issue that can occur for several reasons. This condition is usually caused by poor oral hygiene, which can encourage disease-causing bacteria to grow. This inflammation of gum tissues leads to periodontal disease, which weakens the gums that cover teeth and creates pockets where the roots of the teeth can be visible. Smoking is one of the most common causes of gum recession. This habit can cause tartar to build up on the teeth, which can block the gum line and lead to periodontitis.
Another cause of receding gums is genetics. Those with weak or thin gum tissue are more likely to experience this condition. Crooked teeth and misaligned bites may also contribute to the problem. Luckily, there are a few ways to prevent gum recession. By following your dentist’s advice and changing your dental routine, you can minimize the effects of this condition. Whether mild or severe, it’s important to seek dental care if you notice any of these symptoms.

How are receding gums treated?

Whether you suffer from mild or severe gum recession, there are several different ways to treat the condition. Some people may opt for natural home remedies, while others may need the help of a periodontist. However, in most cases, a simple solution will not be enough. A dentist can perform several procedures to treat receding gums. A gum graft, for example, involves attaching tissue from another part of the mouth to the receding area. This procedure helps to cover the exposed root surface.
Receding gums may occur in different stages. The therapy will depend on how serious the situation is. Therapy may include a deep cleaning to remove plaque and may even require gum surgery. It is vital to schedule a meeting with a dentist at the earlier signs of gum recession, as early diagnosis and treatment can prevent the need for extensive treatment. Some treatments for receding gums include regular cleanings, periodontal therapy, or gum surgery.

Natural Remedies For Your Dental Health

The first step in reversing receding gums naturally is to find out why it is happening in the first place. There is no known connection between brushing your teeth regularly and receding gums. Gum disease is the major cause of receding gums, and three out of four adults suffer from it. Many of them don’t even know they have it. There are several ways to reverse receding gums naturally.
You should also avoid smoking and make sure you practice good dental hygiene. If you’d like to reverse receding gums naturally, follow the steps described in this article.
Drinking lots of lemon juice can stimulate gum tissue. Lemons are known to be antiseptics, which promote gum tissue regeneration. Additionally, lemons are excellent for treating bad breath. However, they’re highly acidic and can even damage the enamel on your teeth. Fortunately, you can make lemon oil yourself! Just be sure to shake it regularly!

new gum regrowth treatment

Thyme Essential Oil

There are many different reasons you should consider using essential oils for your health, and Thyme is no exception. Thyme is a mint plant with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. This plant oil can help prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Thyme’s anti-inflammatory properties help prevent gum infection and gum recession. It is also an effective remedy for oil pulling, and you can mix it with other oils for added benefits.
Although you should visit your dentist regularly to ensure your dental health is in tip-top shape, focusing on your gums is also important. Recessive gums can signal a deeper problem, such as gum disease. To treat receding gums naturally, you can use DIY toothpaste or mouth rinses made from essential oils. Besides these methods, you can also apply Thyme Essential Oil to your teeth. This oil helps remove harmful bacteria that cause gum recession.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are important for oral health. These fatty acids reduce inflammation and fight harmful bacteria in the mouth. Omega-3 fatty acids have antibacterial properties and may help prevent gum disease. They may even stop receding gums from getting worse. You can obtain them from fish and seeds. But Omega 3 fatty acids may not be enough — you should still practice good dental hygiene and get regular dental checkups.

Hydrogen Peroxide For Your Oral Health

Try a hydrogen peroxide rinse or salt water rinse. Saltwater rinse contains a teaspoon of salt and a quarter cup of water. Gargle with this solution twice a day, preferably two or three times a week. Hydrogen peroxide rinses also help to stop gum recession from getting worse.


There are some basic preventive measures you can take to reverse receding gums. Brushing at least twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush is one way to minimize your risk of gum recession. Other ways to reduce your risk are eating a healthy diet, avoiding tobacco products, and using an antibacterial mouthwash.
First, you need to know what causes your gums to recede. Ideally, gum tissue fits around the tooth perfectly. While receding, gums pull away from the tooth, exposing the root of the tooth. These exposed root surfaces are vulnerable to bacterial infection, decay, and tooth loss. Therefore, you need to take steps to slow or stop the gum recession before it gets any worse. But you must consult a dentist if you can’t prevent gums from worsening.

