Parametrized UI testing with Selenide and Junit 5

Oleksandr Lymanskyi
1 min readDec 20, 2019


If you want to speed up regression testing of you site, and still don’t have automated UI tests, this can be a starting point.
There are a lot of silly simple errors that can be found easily with automated testing. And this will save time of testing team for business logic itself instead of spending it on typical bugs such as:

  • js code does not work on one of browsers
  • there is a type in js or developer forgot to attach a required js lib
  • on one of site locales something became wrong
  • one of dependent servers failed

So I created a simple test using selenide and added
support of multiple browsers (OOTB there is only one available)

  • multiple locales (if you want just to check if site is ok on all languages)
  • test parametrization to support individual test data for each locale
  • JS error assertion to show on CI monitor that there is something wrong with JS

The source code is available here.

