Gnome Africa

🌟 Contributing to GNOME 🌟

5 min readAug 26, 2023

Welcome to the world of GNOME! GNOME, which stands for GNU Network Object Model Environment, is more than just a desktop environment — it’s a vibrant community driving innovation in the Linux world. With its user-friendly interface and powerful applications, GNOME aims to make your digital life seamless and enjoyable.

Discover GNOME’s Toolkit 🛠️

From designing mesmerizing user interfaces to crafting robust applications, GNOME development encompasses an array of exciting avenues:

  • User Interface Design 🎨
  • Application Development 📦
  • System Integration 🔄

Explore GNOME’s Applications 🚀

GNOME is home to a galaxy of applications that enrich your digital experiences. Here’s a glimpse into the GNOME constellation:

  • Nautilus (GNOME Files) : Navigate your world effortlessly with this intuitive file manager.
  • Flatpak: Next-generation application distribution and installation technology. Allows the creation of sandboxed, cross-platform applications.
  • GNOME Terminal: Dive into the command line with a powerful terminal emulator.

Ofcourse there are more to this, visit Gnome technologies for more

see for yourself the awesome GNOME desktop UI

Isn’t this intrigging!!

Embark on Your Journey 🌠

Ready to dive into GNOME development? Let’s kickstart your journey with these stellar steps:

Creating a GNOME GitLab Account

To contribute to GNOME development, you’ll need a GitLab account. GitLab is a platform that facilitates collaborative software development through version control and issue tracking.

1. Visit the [GNOME GitLab website]( using your web browser.

2. Click on the “Register” button and follow the instructions to create your GitLab account. Make sure to use a valid email address.

3. You will be asked for your work email address, but you can use your personal email to get registered. Your password must be a minimum length of 16 characters and must include an upper case character. For example:


4. GitLab will send you an email to verify your account. Click on the verification link in the email.

5. Once your account is verified, log in to GitLab and set up your profile with a profile picture, bio, and any other information you’d like to share.

Requesting Access To Projects🏗️

Before you start contributing to GNOME projects, you might need access to specific repositories or projects. To request access:

1. Search for the project you’re interested in on the GNOME GitLab website

2. Navigate to the project’s page and look for an “Request Access” link or a similar option. Click on it.

3. Follow the prompts to request access, providing a brief explanation of your interest in the project.

4. Project maintainers will review your request. Once approved, you’ll receive the necessary access to start contributing.

🚀 Getting Started with Issues as a Developer

Issue tracking is a fundamental aspect of software development, including GNOME projects. 🐞 Issues can include bug reports, feature requests, and more. Here’s how to get started with tackling issues:

1. Choose an issue from the project’s issue tracker that interests you and matches your skills.

2. Read and understand the project’s guidelines for issue submission and resolution.

3. Fork the repository on the GitLab project page to create your copy.

4. Clone your forked repository to your local machine using a Git client. For example:

git clone

5. Create a new branch for your work with a descriptive name. For example:

git checkout -b new-feature-branch

6. After making changes, stage and commit them:

git add . 
git commit -m "Add new feature"

7. Generate a GitLab Access Token:

Log in to your GitLab account.

Go to “Settings” > “Access Tokens” (under “Access Tokens” in the left sidebar).

- Provide a name for your token, choose the desired scope, and set an expiration date if needed.

- Click “Create personal access token” and make note of the token generated.

8. Push your branch to your GitLab fork using the access token:

git push origin new-feature-branch

1. Write code to address the selected issue and commit your changes with meaningful messages.

2. Thoroughly test your changes to ensure they work as expected.

3. Push your branch to your GitLab fork and create a merge request (MR) on the original repository. Reference the issue in your MR:

git push origin new-feature-branch

1. You can use your username and the access token you generated to authenticate.

2. Collaborate with maintainers and other contributors, making necessary changes based on feedback.

3. Once approved, your changes will be merged into the main repository, and the associated issue will be closed.

Hurray 🎉🎉🎉, you’re now on the path to making a significant impact in the world of open-source collaboration! Before we conclude, let’s wrap up your journey into GNOME development and contribution with these final steps:

1. Authentication and Collaboration 🤝

As you embark on this collaborative journey, use your username and the access token you generated to authenticate your contributions. This step ensures that your valuable work is recognized and attributed properly.

2. Collaborate and Iterate 🔄

Collaboration is at the heart of open-source. Engage with maintainers, experienced contributors, and fellow enthusiasts. Embrace feedback and iterate on your contributions, making them even better through continuous improvement.

3. The Finale: Merging and Celebration 🎉

After you’ve put your heart and soul into your contribution, and after rounds of collaboration and improvement, the moment arrives. Your changes are ready for the world! Once approved by maintainers, your changes will be merged into the main repository, and the issue you’ve been working on will be gracefully closed.

Congratulations on this remarkable achievement! Your dedication and contributions are an integral part of the open-source ecosystem, driving innovation and progress.

Remember, this is just the beginning of your journey. GNOME development offers boundless opportunities for growth, learning, and making a lasting impact. Whether you’re refining code, enhancing user experiences, or fostering community connections, your efforts shape the future of technology and collaboration.

As you continue your journey, don’t hesitate to explore the vast sea of possibilities within GNOME and open-source. Your contributions are invaluable, and the adventure ahead is both exciting and fulfilling.

Thank you for joining us in this exploration of GNOME development and the spirit of collaboration. Let’s build, innovate, and create together in the world of open-source!

