Think Cash Loans?

24 min readMar 22, 2019


Think Cash Loans?

I would like to know if anyone ever heard of a loan company call Think Cash or has anyone ever receive a loan from them. Does anyone know if the company is a scam? I belive they were trying to scam me. They wanted me to wire $865.00 and told me that the money would be in my account in 24 hours. I be DAMMMMMMMMMMM if I’m going to wire money to someone for a loan. Their web site states they offer loans from $250.00 — $2000. Why in the world were they offering me a $5000 loan? Check out their web site it looks really legit and everything. is their web site

Answer : I would recommend that you visit this web site where one can compare from different companies: .

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Can they garnish your wages for money owed on a auto loan?
I live in nys. They came to my work today to repossess my car as I have failed to make payments for 5 months. I refused to tell them where the car is and they told me they could garnish my wages over it. Is that true? I thought your wages could only be garnished over government loans. And I would just give the car up but I’ve been paying on it for almost 5 years and only owe $4000 total on it before I own it. It’s hard to just give that away to someone.
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l`ll be starting it from the start, l have a home already that l will be renting out while l do the b and b.””

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OH yeah, and PS: I was told by my attorneys, (yesterday), that the mortgage company paid the back taxes. *I decided to call them up because I had heard in April, they were beginning a tax amnesty program where I’d only have to pay half the back taxes. But, they paid it! Attorney told me, they just want you to pay them back for having to pay the back taxes; we just need you to come in and set up a back payment agreement””””. Don’t think I need these guys! I can do bad all by myself! — as I’ve heard! What can I do here!???? -Ginger””””””
How can i improve my credit score?
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Can we get a home loan in my name alone soon if my spouse files chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
My husband cosigned on a crap car for me that has been a voluntary repo for almost 7 years. Now they are garnishing his wages & he is filing chapter 7 bankruptcy (he goes to court in 2 wks). I DON’T want him to file I plan to use income tax check & pay it off! I’m still going to pay this regardless, will they accept a settlement that will include what they’ve already garnished from him (it’s drivetime/ugly duckling)? I know it will be almost impossible for us to get a home in the near future;rent or purchase. I want to purchase but we will have to have a huge down payment bc of bankruptcy not to mention interest rates and mortgage payments being through the roof! **He makes more money than I but my credit will obviously be better than his (after paying this off I will have 2 cars paid off), is there a loan program where we can use BOTH incomes but only MY credit and only MY name because of bankruptcy? Is there a way I can go on a home loan alone? We only make about $50k together.””
“”I’m leaving my spouse off of our mortgage, how can I protect myself.?””
Thanks for the answers so far. Some extra details: Her credit has been hurt because she missed some CC payments about 5 years ago. I have helped her pay it off and she now has 0 debt, but those marks are still counting against her. I have secured the mortgage in my name at a rate of 3.75%, so they know my wife exists, but I guess in maryland they don’t care about anyone except who is on the mortgage. I make about 100k annually and she makes 55k annual for the person that asked.””
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Figures. Thanks!
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“Think Cash Loans?

I would like to know if anyone ever heard of a loan company call Think Cash or has anyone ever receive a loan from them. Does anyone know if the company is a scam? I belive they were trying to scam me. They wanted me to wire $865.00 and told me that the money would be in my account in 24 hours. I be DAMMMMMMMMMMM if I’m going to wire money to someone for a loan. Their web site states they offer loans from $250.00 — $2000. Why in the world were they offering me a $5000 loan? Check out their web site it looks really legit and everything. is their web site

18 year old trying to build a good credit score?
Hi everyone! I’m a student and i want to start working on my credit score for my future. So far I applied at 2 different banks for credit cards, waiting for approval. Also applied for a gas card at Shell. I know the goal is to basically show that I can payoff my bills on time, and my credit score will be going up. I just wanted to know if any of you, who have more experience with credit cards and building up credit score, think Im going the right direction here? What else should i do? Any other advice? Any help is appreciated Thanks Kris “”
Does leasing a new car lower your credit score?
I recently leased a new BMW from the dealer. I subscribe to Experian’s credit report/score service. Prior to the new lease my score was aroun 725. 2 months later it has dropped to 688. There has been no other action on my report except the new car. No other accounts and everything still on time and current. Im 20 years old so my credit history is not that long yet but I was told car financing usually brings up your credit score. Any ideas as to why it would drop this much? Thanks!
Does anyone know of any banks that offer High Risk Loans?
I do not own a home much less have any collateral. I lost my job a few years ago and got behind on everything. I am looking for 20,000 personal loan. I understand i have to pay a higher interest rate and that’s fine. I am not interested in cash advances or payday loans. I have been all over the internet and with no avail. Can anyone help me thank you””
Where can I get a payday loan of more than 1000.00?
i need a payday loan

How can i find my military shot/vaccine records online?
i gotta get ahold of my online military shot/vaccine records immediately. i signed into AKO, clicked ‘self service’ than ‘my medical’. what do i need to do next to view/print out my military shot/vaccine records? thanks!””
Any good payday loan companies besides wonga?
Hi, I need to get a little bit more money until I get paid. I already have a small loan from wonga but I need just a little bit more and wonga won’t let me increase what i’ve borrowed because i’m a first time customer.””
Can we get a home loan if one of us is unemployed?
My Husband and I are looking to buy a home this year. I have great credit; his is averageand and I make decent money, he is currently unemployed . Will we still get approved for a loan? and is it gonig to hurt us if he gets a new job right before the purchase?””
How to quickly reestablish credit after bankruptcy?
Filed chapter 7 bankruptcy and it was discharged in June of this year. What can I do and where do I look to start reestablishing my credit and with whom? How long does it usually take to get credit scores back up? Just checked credit from Trans union, Equifax and Experian and score was 543. Two days later went to purchase a used car for $17,000.00 and was trading in my car for which we had agreed on $3,500.00 and I was putting $1,000.00 down. which all come to a total of $4,500.00 as a down payment. Dealer ran my credit and told me couldn’t sale me the car I wanted because my score was 498, how could that be? He offered to sale me another me any other car as long as it was $11,000.00 and under. Figured since I was putting $4,500.00 down, in which I would then be financing $13,000.00 that it should’ve been ok. Is it just better to get someone to purchase a car for me and I be the co-signer, will that help increase my score as well?””

Bankruptcy … Chapter 7… will I lose my house?
My hubby wants to file but I dont, I dont want to lose my house…. Is there a way to keep my house if we do file…””
Bank Of America give a $200 loan?
Can Bank of America give a loan that’s less than $1000? I need $200. I don’t have credit history. I applied for a credit card but I probably won’t get it until next week and I need the money. Can BOA give a $200 loan?
How to pay down credit card debt?
I have 15k in credit card debt on 4 different credit cards. I live in an expensive city and have no savings/barely can pay for rent, bills and food. We are so tired of living this way and we are both responsible, hard-working young adults (26 years old). We made some poor decisions in our early twenties which led us to this situation and now we are busting *** to pay off the debt — no matter how hard we try, it feels like it doesn’t improve. My credit score used to be 790 and now I’m afraid to even look at it. We are still young and don’t want to mess up our entire future with a bad credit score — aside from searching for higher paying jobs (we are working on it), does anyone have any immediate/short-term ideas to pay it off? i.e. take a loan from one of those companies that offers to give you cash and you pay them back at a lower interest rate than the credit cards charge us… it feels so tempting to take out 20k to pay off the entire CC debt and have some cash left over. Any advice is appreciated and please don’t beat us up on this — we know we are accountable for getting ourselves into this mess and we suffer for it everyday. Please just help us think of solutions. Thank you!””
Has anyone used a debt consolodation company to help with getting out of payday loan hell?
I made the stupid mistake of getting a payday loan and now I cannot afford the interest and try to even attempt to pay on the principal.. I am in bigger trouble than I was before I got it!
Where should I get a mortgage after being unemployed for over a year?
I’m having trouble getting a mortgage after being unemployed for over a year. I have been back to work for over 7 months now. So far the banks have been telling me I need two years of work before I can really be eligible. After reading online, some people have been saying I should be able to get a mortgage, without a problem, from 30 days to 6 months of employment. Anyone know of a bank that will loan to someone who was previously unemployed? FYI I have excellent credit.””
Improving credit after once debt free?
I had a combination of three cards with a total debt of around 15,000. Didn’t make a payment for about 3 years and all went into collection and one even went into the first phase of a lawsuit. I managed to get employment and made an agreement to avoid the lawsuit and fast forward to todayI am at less than 2,000 left to pay off everything! My question is now what? After seeing my credit report i still have HORRIBLE credit that shows collections etc. by the way I paid everything off very fast (about 3 months) so I am unsure if this will help or work against me. But I would like to be able to get credit cards again and establish good credit from now on. what are my options? by the way, I never had a problem of abusing credit cards I was just unemployed for 4 years. Long term my main goal is to buy a second home and upgrade my car, the main reason i want to improve my credit.””
Credit score?
where can i find a site where i can get a ferr credit report and a score??
Can I buy a house with my credit score and income?
I want to make sure I have all my bases covered before I go see a lender. I’d like to buy a house now while the market is in my favor I am just not sure a bank will give me a loan. My credit score is 630–650 based on what report I pull. I have a good job working in IT and I just graduated college last saturday so My c chances of getting promoted are good. Currently I make about 43000/yr and I have 13,000 in my savings account. Ive been good with all my credit cards. I have 5 and all but one are sitting at a 0 balance and the one that has a balance on it I plan on paying down it’s at about 40% max right now. what should I be doing to get ready to buy and do I even make enough money? what would be your guess as to how much I could get approved for. also my accounts are in both mine and my fiance’s name but we don’t want her on the loan because she is a owns her own business and her income is obviously not stable and she hasn’t been doing that for more than 3 years so her income wouldn’t count anyways we’ve been told. should we change the accounts to just my name? Thanks for you help. Also we already know we want an FHA loan. so the 20% down doesn’t apply thanks!””
Filing for bankruptcy?
What are personal loans?
Can I refinance my auto loan in one year?

Why do i need a credit card to check my credit score…?
on and how do i do it if i dont have one?
Is Money Mutual with Montel Williams a scam?
I heard the commercial a little while ago, and I make $1000/month and a loan would be great for me right now…but I don’t wanna get into something I have no clue about….can someone help me?””
Can you avoid paying interest on your credit card if you pay it off in full before the min. payment is due?
It seems that I have heard some people say that they use their credit card and pay it off in full before the due date and they believe they pay absolutely no interest. Is this true? It seems to me that if you used a credit card and had an outstanding balance for say 20 days before the payment was due, you would have interest calculated on 20/360 days times rate times principle. Thanks.””
What does it mean if my mortgage company accelerates the loan?
Our mortgage company gave us until January 10 to pay a certain amount of money. They said if its not paid by that date they will accelerate the loan. What exactly does that mean?
Is it hard to use a cash register?
I will be working in a retail store in like 2 days. I wanted to know if it is hard to work the register? it looks like it might be difficult because its set up to a computer…also will it be hard for me if someone pays using a debit card or credit card? I have never worked in retail before and they will probably train me for like an hour and then my shift starts…any suggestions or tips? im really freaking out about the cash register though…lol
“Think Cash Loans?

I would like to know if anyone ever heard of a loan company call Think Cash or has anyone ever receive a loan from them. Does anyone know if the company is a scam? I belive they were trying to scam me. They wanted me to wire $865.00 and told me that the money would be in my account in 24 hours. I be DAMMMMMMMMMMM if I’m going to wire money to someone for a loan. Their web site states they offer loans from $250.00 — $2000. Why in the world were they offering me a $5000 loan? Check out their web site it looks really legit and everything. is their web site

No credit auto loan. Help please?
Just turned 18. I have no credit. I make just over $2000 a month but I’m still getting turned down everywhere. Anywhere I can apply and almost guarantee I get approved???

“”I need a guaranteed $1,500 loan for Bad Credit, Can anyone help me?””
For future reference don’t answer any (202) area code numbers offering you a loan. You will never see it. But I am looking for a long term loan preferably, but short term is ok too i guess. I just need some financial help so PLEASE. If you know of anything than let me know. Thanks.””
Guy from commercials?
know* anything

“”What are pro’s, con’s and differences between getting an auto loan or financing on a used car?””
I wonder because I really wanna get a car very shortly, but i know financing requires down payment, but then i thought, if i get a loan, am i able to get that used car without paying a down payment and start paying on a installment right away.””



What is DHFL floating home loan rate?
I have applied for home loan and its approved but its floating rate is 11.75 % is it right rate ??
Auto Loans?? why didn’t i get approved?
I recently applied for a auto loan through a credit union, but i got declined. I can’t seem to understand why either. My credit is good, I pay my bills on time, and i have a job. What could have been the issue?””
Finance charge business math problem. Please help? =)?
Boyd purchases a snow blower costing $1,752 by taking out a 13.5% add-on installment loan. The loan requires a 35% down payment and equal monthly payments for 2 years. How much is the finance charge on this loan?””
What can i do if i accidentally transferred money from my credit card to my bank account?
Is there any way I can transfer the money back to credit account? fees will I be charged?
How to calculate interest from APR on a car loan?
On my previous car, my dad applied for a $5347.75 loan for a car. I remember looking at the paperwork that is was a 5.05 percent APR rate for 36 months. I saw that the total loan cost came to $5774.40. So he ended up paying $426.65 in interest in total. His monthly payments were $160.40 a month. My question is…is there a simple way to come up with finding out that he would have had to pay that $426.65 in interest just by knowing the APR rate was 5.05 percent over 36 months on that original loan amount? How do you come up with that? I thought you would just do .0505 x $5347.75 but that comes out to $270.06 and not $426.65? I’m confused, can someone help and is there an easy way to come up with it? I know you can type this information in on an online calculator but just wondering if people do it by hand as well? Thanks!””
Installment Loan?
Hi, We’re in the process of rebuilding our credit profile with a recent bankruptcy discharge of our debts. We need a $2000 — $3000 loan and cannot find options other than PayDay loans. We have a request out on, however, our state only allows a 7% interest rate and our request is not attracting bidders. Does anyone know of a financial institution willing to give us a chance? We have a $1000 surplus at the end of each month, so a loan payment is not a problem. Thanks. (We are only interested in doing business in the United States)””
Are there any good banks or insurance companies that will refinance your auto loan with good rates?
I am tring to refinance my auto loan , but the only place that I came across is StateFarm. Are there any other places that I can look into?””

Payday loan help????
I need a payday ASAP but have a low income job so approval is tough…every website I go to lets me fill out an application and then jumps to another website when I’m done…any suggestions on where I should go to fill out an application?
I live in California I owe a old online payday loan which was only about $250 now there saying they want like $600 from me they said there going to serve me courts papers for a court date because there going to sue me and I will have to pay over a $1000. They said they would try at my house and if not my work. I tried to offer them $50 tomorrow cuz thats all I have that I can give them but they said no and good luck and that was about it. Can they really com serve me papers at work? Also when the guy (lawyer/detective/whatever he is) from NY sounds the exact same as the guy that was supposedly from the my county’s police station or well at least try to make it sound like he was from a police station but when he said he needed to know my where abouts umm hello he called me at work and i answered the phone…and then i asked him can you serve me at home? he said i would have to dicuss that with the law firm i asked him what address he had and he hung up on me””””””
How can I ask for an auto loan?
I want to get a used jeep wrangler(2004) I had my current job for about a year,i get payed in cash and fairly well(work at a gas station doing everything;car wash,cashier,inventory,handy man,you name it).and my credit established to fair which only took me 8 months. My only payments are cable and Internet and my dog’s expenses….oh and cellphone which totals $200 a month.i can make monthly payments of 300 or so.(I’m 20 and live with parents.) Other than getting paid in cash what problems will I get my self into,also no proof in working there other than the uniform?lol””

When applying for a car loan.Which banks pull your credit report from Experian?
I am trying to apply for a car loan. But I have too many hard inquiries on my transunion and equifax reports which make the application declined right away. But I have zero hard inquiries on my Experian report and my score there is 700. I want to know which banks use experian.
Can you trade mortgaged properties in Monopoly?
And how would it work exactly?
Algebra II interest rate word problem?
The payment, P, at the annual rate, r, on the mortgage amount, M, that runs for t years is given by the formula: , where n is the number of payments per year. 1. What is the monthly payment on a house bought for $200,000 at 6.5% rate of interest for 30 years? Round your answer to the nearest whole number. 2. Kelly bought a house for $100,000 and pays the monthly payment of $800 at 8% rate of interest. How many months will it take Kelly to pay off her mortgage loan? Round your answer to the nearest whole number.””
Where can i get my credit report online for free without having to sign up for anything?

“Think Cash Loans?

I would like to know if anyone ever heard of a loan company call Think Cash or has anyone ever receive a loan from them. Does anyone know if the company is a scam? I belive they were trying to scam me. They wanted me to wire $865.00 and told me that the money would be in my account in 24 hours. I be DAMMMMMMMMMMM if I’m going to wire money to someone for a loan. Their web site states they offer loans from $250.00 — $2000. Why in the world were they offering me a $5000 loan? Check out their web site it looks really legit and everything. is their web site


Which website can authenticate payment for internet? so many payment scams reported lately by US people?
Since 3 users below trusted paypal in yahoo it may be the technology that is trusted by the 3 users below beware of websites that have no registered telephone number advised by Thoo as they could be untracable, well it is up to the preference of the each user own believes on which website is secure for online transactions and which one is not besides the official banking payment portal recognised by their respective banks. Remember Thoo thinks to reduce inflation of any country, one has to make sure citizens of all races are not cheated by the monetary scam””
How good does your credit score have to be in order to qualify for a car loan?
I want to trade in my car but I don’t know if my score is good enough. Its at 687 right now btw
Why are we Americans so uneducated / misinformed about personal finance?
How can so many be so ignorant about something so important? Do ppl acutally think that that the gov’t is going to give them 800 bucks; do they not realize that they have to pay it back on next years income tax? Or at least have that deducted from their refund. How can so many fall for the Payday loan scams? How did so many get into ARM mortgages? Why don’t ppl educate themselves about personal finance?
Taking auto loan while on medicaid?
I and my wife have had medicaid for our child that was born recently and there are still a few bills that medicaid hasn.t covered yet. For the last 7 months we have had only one car. We feel like we need another one cauese I am uncomfortable going to work and leaving my wife and child without any means of transportation. So I was just curious if I take a loan for a decent car from a bank or a credit union and get it will that affect our medicaid and the remaining bills that they have to cover? (Florida)
Is a Citibank credit card good ?

Free Credit Score??????
I already checked out my credit report but i would like to know if there is a safe free site i can go on to check out my credit score??
Grants to be applied for after filing bankruptcy?


How to calculate bankruptcy in this case? what will I get?
I plans to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. I have my home, which is currently worth $110,000, upon which I owes $100,000. And I am planing to reaffirm the debt on my home. I also owns Lexus worth $30000. But owes no money on the Lexus. What will I get? Can some one show calculations regarding these figures under Chapter 7 bankruptcy? how will exempts be calculated (homestead)?””

Payday loans?
I need to get a payday loan, its an emergency, and I dont really know anyone to borrow money from so what are some I can apply for online, that does them for the state of Georgia? Any help is appreciated.””

Does anyone know of any online cash advances that actually work?
I need some extra money to help me get caught up on bills, and all the cash advances online never seem to work. they are all fake or don’t approve me. does anyone know of any possible solutions to this? a real cash advance that doesn’t turn me down and is real? no gimmicks?””
How good is payday loans?
I need some cash fast is it wise to take a payday loan.
How do I calculate a monthly mortgage payment by using a electronic calculator?

“”Why Does Say its free but they want your credit card number, I dont own a stupid card?
Yeah I wrote a letter to them stating the illegal false advertisment and yet no word back…
Does prorated mean you are paying in advance or paying after the fact?
My cell phone company is trying to charge me some ridiculous fee labeled prorated anytime minutes””””. Does this mean it is a carryover charge from last month that I did not pay or something that they are expecting in the future that I will need to pay? THanks.””””””
What’s a good website to get a safe and secure payday loan?
I need a auto loan!?
I find myself needing a new car and as many of you know, times are bad in the economy. I have no credit history what so ever I checked my credit report and there is nothing but zeroes on the report. I am 50 years old and have always saved up my money and payed cash for everything. I have $51,000 in a money market acount getting 4.10% intrest. I was wondering what my chances are of getting a cash secured loan for a new car?. I thought although I could pay cash for the car if I took out a loan it might help me build a credit rateing better then 0. Does anyone know if a bank would likely give me a $25,000 auto loan if I used my money market acount for caladeral?””
How do you know if you have good credit or bad credit?

Is the first mortgage payment a double payment?
I am hopefully completing on my first property next Friday. How does the first mortgage payment work? Will it be a double payment?


“”Does 73,000 per year qualify for 192,000 home loan?””
My husband and I make about 73,000 per year and the home we want to purchase is 192,000. We haven’t tried to prequalify yet. Can anyone answer this question for me. We only have a 600 per month car payment. Our total income per month is 6,122 we both work plus i get child support and he gets military retirement, which is included in the 6,122. Does anyone know the property tax on a house of this price per year??””
“Think Cash Loans?

I would like to know if anyone ever heard of a loan company call Think Cash or has anyone ever receive a loan from them. Does anyone know if the company is a scam? I belive they were trying to scam me. They wanted me to wire $865.00 and told me that the money would be in my account in 24 hours. I be DAMMMMMMMMMMM if I’m going to wire money to someone for a loan. Their web site states they offer loans from $250.00 — $2000. Why in the world were they offering me a $5000 loan? Check out their web site it looks really legit and everything. is their web site

