6/15/2024 Valeria Townhall


The team is back to the townhall circuit after a well-deserved break — read below for all the latest and greatest news from Valeria Studios!


Listen Live here! https://twitter.com/ValeriaStudios/status/1791906829645005038

The new hires have been busy!

  • The game has been updated to be 5v5 instead of 3v3!
  • Each Valerian now has its own class and stats.
  • You will have 9 slots and you can place 5 Valerians which attack on their own according to class.
  • Strategic placing on the battlefield now matters.
  • All items and weapons are your champion moves which you control — the Valerians do their thing.
  • As the Valerians attack their individual ‘ultimate bar’ ticks up, once you click it it launches a Valerian specific ultimate attack with a video cutscene.
  • There are now 75 item and weapon cards, you can bring 15 into battle, hand still holds 5 cards and rotates.
  • You string together combos and ultimate moves to support the Valerians.

The changes are being made to build our marketing strategy and will add depth of strategy and long term playability…


The gaming market has seen its challenges lately and has been some outliers — Pixels, PirateNation, MPH, Parallel. The team believes that the difference is made by the go to market launch.

The team feels that poor products have their actual game in the pipeline but all they can launch to farm users is poor performing quickly thrown together arcade games. A quickly made 2d clicker where you click for 2–5 minutes a day and log out every day is a farm that doesn’t do well in the long run.

The best successes the team has witnessed are when the campaign starts when the game can be played where they give substantial rewards to holders.

We fall into the category where we have an actual game, and when we actual launch our incentivization campaigns people wont be participating in a quick farming game it will be an actual high quality game where we are showcasing the real product, like MPH, like PirateNation, like Parallel.

The team is watching the market and planning accordingly…

A partner we’ve brought on is Aether — they allow you to play games just by clicking a play button in a browser. This allows anyone to play with no downloads anywhere in the world — even if we haven’t published in regions where people want to play.

The goal is to test the game so the next beta is on Aether.

The XAI migration will be announced publicly in July. After that we will lean into the beta test, many more announcements about new things being built and partners being made…

The team has secured over 1–1.5 years runway or now.


lanester9926 sent:
does valeria games have a booth planed to set up at Las vegas Blockchain event that is at Ceasars Palace in las Vegas. Not until Aug 15–16–17 web 3 gameing tournaments is one of the things on there calender of events.

Here is the web info

Rare Evo 2024: The Ultimate Blockchain/Crypto Convention in Las Vegas, NV

A: See other answers about conventions.

clip — 05/31/2024 2:33 PM
Tbh I think today’s announcement is more effective to new people/existing people wanting a quick update, than the AMA summarys which you have to sorta look for. Would the team consider doing an update like this in announcements each time there’s an AMA, or at least if there’s something newsworthy?
In my.opinion, it makes the discord more ‘presentable’ having more regular tangible things in announcements

A: I must have missed this answer but I will add a discord summary in as well.

Adrok — 06/11/2024 7:51 PM
Q: Since community voted to remove staking, when is this going to be actioned?
Can you also outline what this means for all lands that have been staked since original emissions start date back in Jan

A: Staking will be removed this week!

Xcrazysal — Yesterday at 2:50 PM
Q: Can we get a development update on the following items?
XAI Migration
In-game marketplace / blockchain integration
Server stress testing
overall game status including QA & testing

A: The new battle mechanics being built doesnt have an impact on functionality. We are currently focusing on changes to battle mechanics which should be playable in July, XAI migration is coming in first week of July, with a single click colletion migration.

Grumpy Homes — Yesterday at 2:59 PM
Q: wen merch?
A: Missed the answer to this.

Devious Titan — Yesterday at 3:21 PM
Q: Never used XAI before, what benefits can we expect from building there besides low gas fees? Curious to how this has enabled the game? Looking forward to a smooth and seamless play and trade experience👌

The problem with Poly was the gas station and the problems. The team has explored IMX and its not what its made out to be. The experience will be MUCH SMOOTHER. You click open pack, tx approved, as simple as that. Instant transaction and zero gas for the forseeable future, on top of that, XAI is the L# gaming layer for Arbitrum — many high quality gaming builders are coming to Xai. Big ones. They are giving 200m in grants to studios. The team believes it will provide a strong network effect and bet the future of gaming.

A: See other answers about XAI.

bporter.eth — Yesterday at 5:14 PM
Q: Should I not worry about staking any new lands I buy?

A: Nope! Staking is going away and we will be managing accrual of tokens other ways very soon.

Adrok — Yesterday at 7:09 PM
Q: Can you tell us what the next version of the game we’ll get to play will be.

A: With all the changes to UI, addition of classes etc. Will we still be doing alpha testing and finding alot of bugs/issues and only have limited features or is the next version the community gets its hands on gonna be a fully playable beta with all features, all champs, skills etc ready to test?

Lost half of this answer but other than two of these things — July.

lanester — Yesterday at 7:59 PM
Q: Any airdrops in the future?

A: Land rewards backdated, post season 1 drops.

katartismos — Yesterday at 11:01 PM
Q: With in game/battle animations, people have mentioned how a midgame animation can interrupt flow during battle. The alternative would be to keep the animations but as a fatality. Could you speak on where you guys are at with this, and which characters/heroes might have an animation? Might it be an unlockable thing after attaining a certain level?

Also, don’t know where else to ask this, but what if after beating certain bosses, a win animation could transition right into some part of the story mode narrative — like Voltra finishing fatality transitions into a cut scene with Favian etc.

A: No skip for now but the team hears the community and will ask the devs about it: It’s very much like Pokemon Masters where there is no skip. You are working hard to get access to that, you wont be hitting them multiple times a game. We’ll see how it goes in testing.

katartismos — Yesterday at 11:11 PM
Any plans for a California visit in the near future? Any Comic con type stuff or more web3 stuff appeal to you guys?

A: Not for sure but will definitely insteresd, in initial talks with ComicCon!!

すきゃ — Today at 3:48 AM
I am a loyal holder who has never listed land and PFP from mint.
I know there are many such people here, are there any special rewards for them?

A: Yes — holders will be rewarded with a diamond in game champion airdrop skin.

ToPluto — Today at 4:00 AM
Q: Layerzero is about to do an airdrop. I checked their farming page and I had 2 txns that showed up on their page as I moved vals to polygon-vals and back again and didnt know those transactions counted towards their farming. I don’t think I am eligible but would there be any chance we could ask them if land owners have any chance to get some sort of partnership airdrop? I know building a game takes time but some sort of drop from anything for the land holders while we wait for the game would be really appreciated as I know most long term holders have used all their vals on upgrades and everyone’s liquidity have been locked up for more then 1–2 years waiting for the game. any sort of drop for the community from now till our launch would really boost the long term community holders morale as we don’t know how long this new implementation and upgrade of the game going to take.

A: The team put in the form for Layer Zero and are in a groupchat with their team.

ZmAKin | 💉CASES💉 — Today at 12:24 PM
Q: You guys mentioned pirate Nation today. I’ve held since mint and played a bunch when they first started their alpha access. With their recent TGE they did not allow anyone from the USA to claim tokens. Huge win for everyone who is not in the USA, but a big screw over for those of us in the US. Is there going to be any issues for US residents going forward with $VAL in any way? With all of the recent talk about crypto on the campaign races and the ETF approval for BTC and most likely ETH the paradigm is shifting towards the side of crypto.

A: We are working with a legal team for our token. We were granted a token opinon letter stating that our token is a utility token. We have taken steps on the legal side to prove that the token is available to speed up game progress and nothing more. There should be no legal reason to not airdrop this token to players of the game as a reward.

aaron — Today at 12:25 PM
Q: will xai migration change networks with $val? will it still be omichain?

A: Yes it will still be omnichain, you can migrate it or not like you can now. You can migrate to XAI to use token in game.

ZmAKin | 💉CASES💉 — Today at 12:26 PM
Q: Any plans on going to any TCG conventions this/next year?

A: Hilal has been investigating good conventions to hit for this but no solid plans yet. For now the focus is the mobile game, but the TCG will come afterwards and we will give it due attention when we have following and when we have a competitive scene and when we cat get boosters in stores etc.

