nftperp Odeshi (ò·duh·shee) 🥜
nftperp Odeshi is the retroactive airdrop campaign for nftperp traders. All users that trade on nftperp will be eligible to qualify for $vNFTP rewards.
What are $vNFTP? read more about it here
Volume Rewards 🌊
Monthly rewards allocation: 0.15% of total supply (1,500,000 $vNFTP)
Duration: indefinite — governance of nftperpDAO will have the ability to vote for changes if need be.
Processed daily, and distributed monthly.
The volume rewards are distributed based on the volume traded by a trader during the duration of the month relative to the total volume in the month. *volume is only considered if positions are opened for longer than 15 minutes.
Reward Formula for volume rewards:
volumeRewardFormula: (volumeByTrader / totalVolume) * 1,500,000 $vNFTP
Converger Rewards 🧠
Monthly rewards allocation: 0.05% of total supply(500,000 $vNFTP)
Duration: indefinite — governance of nftperpDAO will have the ability to vote for changes if need be.
Processed daily, and distributed monthly.
The converger rewards are distributed based on the notional value of converging trades (opened for longer than 30 minutes) when the vAMM price and index price deviate beyond 2.5%.
Reward Formula for converger rewards:
convergerRewardFormula: (convergeNotionalValue / totalConvergeNotionalValue) * 500,000 $vNFTP
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