The Silent Sentinel: A Tale of Misjudgement

NG 541
2 min readJan 7, 2024
A tale of Misjudgement

Once, nestled in a bustling town, resided a diligent washerman who found companionship in two loyal creatures — a vigilant dog and a sturdy donkey. The diligent dog stood sentinel, while the robust donkey bore the weight of the washerman’s loads.

One moonlit night, a trespasser dared to breach the sanctity of the washerman’s abode. Alas, both master and canine slumbered deeply, oblivious to the intrusion. The thief, emboldened by the silence, crept closer, stealthily weaving through the shadows.

However, the astute donkey, perceptive in its own right, beheld the intrusion. Without hesitation, it raised a cacophonous alarm, its brays echoing through the night, disrupting the silence.

Startled by the clamor, the thief’s nerve shattered like fragile glass. In haste, he fled, his escape hastened by the donkey’s timely intervention.

Emerging from his slumber, the perplexed washerman stumbled forth, bewildered by the uproar. Bewilderment soon gave way to wrath as he perceived the donkey’s disruption as mere folly. “Why disrupt the peace?” he chided, failing to discern the donkey’s intent.

In his tirade, he unjustly reprimanded the faithful donkey, unaware of its noble act that had safeguarded his haven.

“Know your place, dear donkey!” the washerman lectured, heedless of the donkey’s valiant endeavor. “Stick to your duties, leave the vigilance to the dog!”

Unseen by the indignant master, the donkey lowered its head, bearing the unjust punishment stoically, understanding that often, unrecognized heroism can be mistaken for foolishness.

The lesson reverberated silently in the stillness of the night — a cautionary tale about the importance of perceiving actions beyond their apparent roles and appreciating each being’s contribution, lest true valor remains concealed behind the curtain of misjudgement.

seeing it from the donkey’s perspective brings forth a different moral:

Know your role and responsibilities; — while it’s good to be vigilant, meddling beyond your capacity might bring undesired consequences.”

Focus on your duties, as overstepping boundaries can lead to misunderstandings and repercussions.



NG 541

Interested in Stories and health related article, an author whose storytelling mirrors the essence of dreams and the pursuit of a brighter tomorrow.