
Solid write-up.

As someone who has worked out consistently for over 20 years and is currently on a daily consecutive workout streak approaching 365 days (currently on day 347), I definitely agree that consistency is key.

If you want to get in shape, there are no shortcuts or secrets. The big 4 compound lifts of benchpress, squat, deadlift, and overhead press, combined with cardio, is a great way to get that body you want (and feel great in the process).

I'll be writing about my 365 day workout streak once it's done, but one thing I've loved is having tons of energy and really watching my strength increase over time. Added bonus is I haven't been sick in over a year now.



Nicholas Galarnyk

Educator, entrepreneur, classical pianist, runner/gym rat, Japanophile, co-host of Macro Voices podcast. Fluent in French.