Bootcamp Experience So Far — Part2

Anthony Ngene
2 min readFeb 14, 2017


As Ice Cube put it in his song, ‘Today was a good day!’

For me anyway, I will tell you why soon but first let’s start with yesterday.

It’s 11:30pm and am pacing up and down the room, thinking about a problem that has been at the back of my mind ever since the boot-camp started: ‘How to create a command line app with NodeJs that consumes a Public API using a HTTP client library.’

The first time I saw the problem (which was on the first day), it sounded very complicated. I tailored my learning from day one to understand as much as I can about Node so that I will be able to solve the above problem. On that faithful night (deadline was the next day by 5pm), I have been studying Node and packages like ‘Express’ for quite some time but still could not see how I can build the app.

I decided to call it a day and rest. The next morning, I got to work researching the internet for as many relevant articles as I can find about the problem. I had a good understanding of NodeJs, npm modules, HTTP (request and response) from previous studies so I was able to read the articles.

Finally I found an awesome one with a good example, after reading it, the solution became clear in my head. With what I now knew, I wrote down a plan, selected three public APIs from my research and started building the app. I came across some problems but my BFA and fellow Boot-campers were really helpful.

In the end I was able to build the app and I really feel proud and happy when I run it in the console. I have learnt a lot since the boot-camp started and am very grateful, thank you Andela for such a wonderful opportunity.

