Straight outta shape but bitch I’m tryin’ IDGAF Alexa play shirt

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1 min readSep 17, 2019

Buy here: Straight outta shape butt bitch I’m tryin ‘IDGAF Alexa play shirt

My dad is buying pink baby pajamas and has embroidered some German names for Alexa. Names like: Odette, Cordelia, Mila, Helga, Bastienne, and perhaps the most ordinary of Straight outta shape but bitch I’m tryin’ IDGAF Alexa play shirt them all: Lydia. My mother received little name signs and gave them to Alexa to hang in the nursery. The names were different, so she would only have to hang one, but the signs were supposed to help Lex make a decision. These names include a few other common names. For my family standard course. These names are William, Moses, Elijah, Memphis (where they appear. Is it clearly a boy named?) Peter, Abraham, Matthew, Luke, Paul, Solomon, etc.

See more: Straight outta shape but bitch I’m tryin’ IDGAF Alexa play shirt — countinuava

