Release 0.3: Disambiguate tab titles in VSCode

Nathaniel Ngo
2 min readMar 22, 2019


The issue I am working on is outlined here.

I needed to find the code that has something to do with the folder paths in tab titles. The Visual Studio Code repository has more code than what my mind can possibly comprehend. Combing through the entire project would be unwise, so I searched through pull requests that have been accepted for bug fixes that were related tab titles. I found the PR that did the very thing I was looking for.

Now that I had something to guide me through the code, I read the contributing guidelines to determine how to setup my environment. To install dependencies with yarn, I needed a version of node between 8.0 and 11.0, so I used Node Version Manager to install Node 10.0.

After using yarn to install dependencies, I attempted to build Visual Studio Code but it could not find the xkbfile.pc package.The compiler suggested I add the path to the xkbfile.pc package to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable as it is needed for building.

I underestimated how much effort is needed simply to build the project, though I am glad to have found a pull request that is directly related to mine as I can use it to guide what code I need to touch.

Larger projects also tend to have stricter guidelines on how to contribute. According to the contribution guidelines for VSCode, contributors to Microsoft are required to sign a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) which I will be prompted to sign before any of my pull requests can be merged.

There are also detailed instructions on how to test and smoke test VSCode which I still need to read over. I also want to look at older PRs and examine general etiquette because I don’t want to make a fool of myself neglecting procedures outlined somewhere.

The plan for next week is to get VSCode to build so I can test and see the changes, read over testing guidelines, and following the closed PR to see where changes need to be made. I will also need to determine how to compare two different file paths. Finding the PR that already implemented this disambiguation would be very helpful, because the PR that I found simply previews the file path on the tab title. I need to find the PR that disambiguates file paths of files that are in the same tab group, so I can extend this functionality so it also compares files in different tab groups.

And here I thought that my greatest issue would be my inexperience with JavaScript.

