HOT In this library poster

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4 min readJun 25, 2020


In the common development of humanity, knowledge plays a role in promoting the progress of society. The socio-economic development of a nation is based on knowledge and if education is to be achieved, education must be developed.

As Uncle Ho said, “Does the Vietnamese River seem glorious, can it stand alongside the powers of the five continents? It is largely due to the hard work of the children, ”even though education is not a miraculous remedy to fulfill every dream, it is nevertheless a more path than any other path to service. comprehensive human development. Being aware of the importance of educational knowledge, our country considers education and training to be the top national policies, our Party and State are striving to build a learning society with directions and path of implementation. is a combination of school, distance education and self-study. In which self-study to grow up is extremely important.

Self-study is a matter of learning outside the school, self-study is a process of self-improvement of knowledge, or in other words self-study is directly supplementing knowledge after being trained at the school, is a process of self-training .

Reading books and studying books for study, improving career, and broadening knowledge are the most common methods of self-study. The library is an educational office outside the school, in other words, the library is the secondary school for students, so the library plays an important and necessary role in the development of self-study of readers, especially students.

The Party and State and our education agencies are always concerned about constantly improving the technical and cultural levels for all working classes, including the main target of students and students. emphasizing the importance of self-study, which is of great significance in order to associate learning with production workers, organize learning at organizing agencies, study outside working hours …

The content and characteristics of the self-study issue were emphasized in the historic resolution of the Fourth Party Congress: “Actively build the in-service learning system with many forms of self-study, ensuring for all employees. Every action can be lifelong learning, career improvement, career expansion. Combining study well with labor … ”.

The basic method of self-study is self-reading and self-studying. Gomorrah wrote: “Reading is our daily routine. In essence it is a process of making people spiritually harmonious with the great minds of all ages and all peoples …. The process of reading makes people shed more light on the meaning of life. and the position of people in life. “

To practically serve the Party’s directives and resolutions on organizing self-study for working people and students, making those directives and resolutions a vivid daily reality. read.

The library should have comprehensive support for organizing self-study, creating favorable conditions for cadres and people of all classes to use the rich treasure of books and newspapers through reading books, newspapers, learning many useful things to improve the political level, the thought of forming a Marxist — Leninist worldview, mastering scientific and technical achievements, advanced experiences in production, raising moral qualities. network — develop Vietnamese people comprehensively.

Books, magazines, newspapers are an important source of information for all people interested in self-study, self-research and self-improvement. Reading is a key method of self-study and accumulating new knowledge.

The goal of self-study is to foster to become citizens, enlightened revolutionary cadres, master the Party’s internal and external policies, master the economic, scientific and technical issues, understanding cultural issues, improving careers and improving professional knowledge through lectures in the classroom with students.

The problem of self-study has important implications for people to acquire knowledge of humankind in their creative labor. See self-study as a routine job for everyone.

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The difference between those who succeed and those who fail is not in strength, knowledge or understanding — but in the will.