Nitrous Graphics
3 min readJun 6, 2016

A Unique Logo Design for Various Marketing Purposes

Your company’s logo serves a number of purposes. It should be utilized strongly for all marketing and branding purposes. It has to look professional and eye-catching no matter where it is used. Whether you are going to place it on your website, use it in social media campaigns, add it to your brochure or incorporate it in your videos, it should look sharp, clear and professional. From the layout to colors, every element in the logo must look appealing and suitable for every platform you may need to apply it to in the future. When you are planning to hire an Australia logo design service for your logo development, you should ensure all the important elements or aspects of your logo are taken into consideration.

Let’ investigate what the essential aspects of great logo design that should be kept in mind while planning and designing a professional logo.

Keep it simple!

Many think a logo that is more intricate looks more professional. But the truth is, if a logo is highly detailed or complicated, its meaning may get lost or distorted. Your consumers will have hard time remembering your business or even understanding what the logo stands for. On the other hand, with a simple logo, your customers will have no problem remembering. When printed it at small sizes like business cards and letterheads, it will sustain its quality and clarity. Lower quality printing will not reduce its effectiveness. It is difficult to depict every aspect of your business in your logo. Trying to do this is will make it more complicated. So it is important to keep it simple with a clean design, unique lines and easily readable text.

Keep it unique!

A unique logo design is imperative. Using a template logo or copying another companies design is a BIG NO NO! This can lower the brand image of your business or worse put you in legal strife. Ensure your logo is unique and represents your personal brand message clearly. Working with a unique font and or a custom symbol will help steer you away from looking like another business. Employing the services of a creative graphic design Sydney can help you develop your logo and give it a unique touch.


It has been found many brands give their logo an ‘overhaul’ or make changes to their existing logo after a few years of operation for reasons like poor initial design for instance. This act although common is not at all recommended. A logo should be professionally designed and suit your business before your first customer interaction and serve you going forward. Your logo should be timeless and hence your investment in a professional logo from the outset is a no brainer. It should look fresh and appealing always. For example, take a look at the logo of Coca Cola. Though they made some variations but they are still using the same logo after so many years. It’s about retaining your client’s perception and sub conscious feelings of attachment to your brand.

Nitrous Graphics

Developing High Quality Creative Solutions. Graphic Design — Digital Design — Website Development — 2D Animation — Video Production — Photography