4 min readAug 30, 2018


  1. Token Flow

2. Timeline

3. Problems & Solutions

  • Problem 1: Users Contribute Valuable Content to Social Media Platforms Everyday without Getting Paid.
    Users on most platforms aren’t compensated for their genuine contributions.
    - Example: Users provide feedback on hotels and restaurants on Travelocity, yet aren’t paid as contributors eventhough Travelocity monetizes their contributions daily. Users write lengthy articles on Huffington Post, yet still no compensation. Although some users are able to monetize their audiences by becoming influencers online, they are not compensated for the core content that they contribute by the very platforms they use. Other examples of platforms that monetize user contributions include: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and others.
  • Solution 1: Users are Paid for Their Recommendations and Content on Blinked.
    Users on Blinked earn Blinked Gold [BGZD] for their contributions and recommendations. The more engagement a recommendation has with other users on the platform (likes, comments, etc.), the more a user may earn for that recommendation. For example, User A recommends a new phone charger that fully charges a mobile device in just 60 seconds. If it wasn’t for User A, most users would not have known about it. User A is compensated for the recommendation by Blinked in Blinked Gold [BGZD] AND is also tipped by other users in BLKD Gold [BGZD] for the helpful recommendation. (See more about Blinked BGZD further on.] The more useful and appreciated the recommendation, the more User A earns. User A is a valuable contributor to the Blinked platform and should be rewarded accordingly.
  • Problem 2: Centralized Social Media Networks Share No Revenue with the Very Users Who Make Their Platforms Successful.
    In an environment where social media platforms earn billions of dollars in advertising revenue based on monthly active users (MUVs), consumers are not compensated or incentivized for viewing ads or watching commercials. Facebook, for example, earned $40.7 billion in 2017. When watching the Super Bowl this year, advertisers paid nearly $5 million for each 30-second spot. Of that, zero dollars went to consumers. Why should the social media and other networks generate 100 percent of revenue from Super Bowl ads, when it’s the viewers who are watching them?
  • Solution 2: Blinked is a Social Media Platform for Recommendations Where Users Share in Up to 90 Percent of Advertising Revenue.
    On Blinked, users are paid In Blinked Gold [BGZD] for viewing digital ads in numerous ways. In fact, up to 90 (ninety) percent of all ad revenue on Blinked will be allocated to users for their activity on the platform, with the balance allocated to fund administrative expenses. It’s an ideal 360 degree ecosystem, where both users’ and advertisers’ interests are aligned.
  • Problem 3: Users Are Losing Trust in Centralized Social Media Platforms Due to Data Breach Issues.
    With Mark Zuckerberg currently under investigation before Congress, and companies like Google collecting more private data each day, users of centralized platforms are growing increasingly weary by the minute. With more than 70 million+ user profiles shared by Facebook with Cambridge Analytica*, the general population is ceasing to accept such actions. Centralized platforms have no reliable technical mechanism for data security, compromising, losing and even selling user data regularly.
  • Solution 3: Blinked Integrity is Secured by the Blockchain.
    Blockchain technology ensures system-wide integrity that centralized social media platforms currently lack. Users are ready for an environment where no single nefarious organization or bad actor within has the ability to profit off of users’ data by selling it to third parties. On the Blinked platform, A.I. algorithms will automatically match advertisers and viewers based on users’ own activity, so users can monetize their own data.

Blinked is an existing social media platform for recommendations that is building upon the innovations in blockchain technology by integrating a proprietary Blinked (BLKD) crypto-token that will enable users to get paid for their recommendations and for experiencing digital ads. It is the first media platform that will deliver up to 90 percent of advertising revenue to users through the Blinked decentralized social media model.

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